Jul 28, 2006 13:53
My feelings are so incredibly hurt right now. I am so hurt that because I told the TRUTH he hates me now. It is by no means either of our faults that things turned out the way they did or that I ended up feeling the way I did. But it is NOT fair for people to talk shit about me when they know absolutely nothing about me or the situation. This all came up because I decided today to creep on Josh's myspace for the first time since we broke up and I saw a comment from his friend Cory. So that made me wonder (because I'm jaded and cynical, wonder why???) if Cory or Josh had been talking about me since they are best friends. So I go to Cory's page and see this:
First a goodbye:
Well maybe not a goodbye more like well its good in the since youre gone:
I never did much care for you but you seemed to make him happy so I protested little, but now we know how you really were, and I knew there was a reason why I didnt like you.
Maybe one day Ill drive by the curb he kicked you too, and laugh.
Tes une pouffiasse.
I hope I cut a little deeper than he did because no one fucks with my boy even though he is a conservative, but thats ok he doesnt know better, hes admitted that he is one and thats the first step to recovery, is admitting you have a problem J.
Ok, first, where the fuck does he get off talking about me AT ALL, let alone talking SHIT??? My name should never grace your lips, you don't know me, we don't speak, fuck off. Second, I did not, by any means, "fuck with your boy", I was myself and obvisouly that didn't work. I was never intentionally mean or cruel to him. I didn't prolong things when I knew they weren't working, I didn't cheat on him or anything else. I dated him, it didn't work out, that's life. And last but definitely not least, I really couldn't give a flying fuck what you think of me. From what I know about you (and since you feel the need to speak so freely of me, I'll do the same for you) you are, to be plain and simple, an arrogant asshole with incredibly close minded and distorted views on the world around you. You might hate me for the way things happened with Josh or even for the person I am, but at least I'm living my life the way I want to and having fun while doing it. I wake up everyday knowing that I will do whatever I damn well please and I'll be happy about it. So, I guess that's all I have to say for now. It just really upsets me that someone who doesn't really have any right to give an opinion on me or the situation I'm in, feels so free to sound off on what a horrible person I am. Do you even realize how hard it was for me to finally decide that I did not want to be someones girlfriend right now? Especially Josh's? I still care about him so much and that might be why all of this hurts me so bad. I have until recently been incredibly depressed about all of this. I cried for days over the decision I knew I'd have to make. That's all. I'm getting all worked up and once again, I don't want to start crying.
This was posted on Myspace but I decided to delete it there and just save it here so it'd be more private...but I didn't want to delete it completely.