Oct 28, 2005 15:52
I have no clue why, but I'm totally excited today! I got 3.5 out of 5 on my chemistry quiz which rocks!! I didn't fail! If I play my cards right I'll be passing this course nicely. w00t! I'm watching MTV again...GAH! (@_@) I'm listening to my favorite 80's (I think!) music.
I'm straightening my hair too so I'll look awesome. He'd better bring a cool movie...OH! We should play pool so I can kick his butt. I've FINALLY been playing. My last game yesterday, I pocketed 7 balls in a row. SO AWESOME! Wheee!
I swear I have major mood swings or something..lol...I was totally bummed yestedray and now I'm psycho hyper.
What else? I did some things for my AC Adapter return and pin number so I'm awesome. Go me!
HA HA! So I totally just IMed Joe and I was all like, 'What are you doing on so early?' ...he didn't respond so I stuck out my tongue and stuff...turns out it wasn't him. Also, I have just been called a tease. Am I really? Er...I mean I totally am online, but here I'm all quiet and stuff...I'm sooo awesome ONLINE! EEEEKK! lol
Alright so my hair is good AN I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!
Ok, I'll stop being all freaky...later people!=(^_^)= KITTY!