Welcome to the Space Bridge Online, home of the TF Blogs!
TFBlogs is rated NC-17 for adult humor, language, violence, and... pretty much everything because we're not sparkling sitters. Hey, the majority of us are over 21, what do you expect?
TFBlogs is a moderated membership community. If you are interested in joining, you will not be able to post until given approval by the mods. Please do not friend anyone on the Blogs until you have been approved -- it will save you time and all of us aggravation. If you have any questions NOT answered on the website or in the FAQ below, please join
tfblogsmisc and post your questions, or email one of the admins/mods (user names listed at the end of this bio).
What is this?
This is the community, RP and OOC area for a very goofy idea. Simply put, it's a bunch of people who are roleplaying as Transformers via LiveJournals. As you might expect from that statement, this is something that is taken about as seriously as one of Starscream's rants about being destined to lead the Decepticon armies(sorry, Screamer!).
How the heck did this come about?
Take three bored friends, lots of sugar and free time, and a marathon viewing of the first season of Transformers. It all got started with the idea of poor Shockwave, all alone on Cybertron save for some neon colored Deceptijets, being bored enough to create a blog instead of shooting his cannon at nothing. That gave birth to the journal of
shockslave. So, there you have it.
How does one join in?
Simple. Pick a Transformer, create a witty name for their blog, then create it. Then join the community and meet the other people strange enough to find this fun. General rules are as follows. (for complete Rules, click
- Don't pick a Transformer someone else has. No matter what animation blunders may have led you to believe, there are not multiple Starscreams and Bumblebees.
- Anything above PG-13 should be friends locked. While we may joke about it from time to time, TF Blogs is a NON-SLASH community in-character.
- If you're planning to run a story arc with another person's character, it's probably best to let them know what you have in mind. It's okay to keep secret what you're planning to do during a mission to the Ark, for example, but if you're planning to put a thermal detonator in Prime's brain, you should probably let Prime's player know about it before hand.
- If you're posting OOC, make sure you mention that. Sure, it might not take a brain surgeon to figure out that you're not meaning for Optimus Prime to ask if anyone knows a good place to get a Reuben sandwich in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but given the fact we're weird enough to find this whole idea amusing, we might just be weird enough to be easily confused, as well.
- For the sake of confusion, we ask that members of the TF Blogs RPG don't have in-character interaction with non-members. OOC replies are fine, but having multiple versions of the same character can be confusing. One idea is using multiple LJs, and another is posting to friend-specific filters. (Note: There's nothing saying you can't friend non-TF Blog members. We just ask they don't act on blog-specific posts.)
- As of right now, there's no real limit on how many characters you can have, but we do ask that if you're playing more than three G1 characters, you "protect" three and give new players the option of taking the extras. TF Blogs, much like Keith Richards, thrives on new blood.
- Make sure, when you start a new TF Blogs journal, be sure to friend everyone who is a member of the the TF Blogs community. Not everything happens in the community, so you might be(probably are) missing something. Yes, the Friends thing makes no sense. Megatron and Prime wouldn't friend each other in continuity, nor would Soundwave and Blaster. But, at the same time, Prime wouldn't be a complete nitwit, either.
- The Mods reserve the right to make corrections and suggestions as they see fit. Please cooperate and everything will be fine.
- No flaming. Period.
There's really no sweeping storyline(though bad things just keep happenings... it's like Carnage in C Minor meets Issue Three, but is actually funny), and just because one blogger is mentioning another event, doesn't mean you have to write about the same one. The whole point is to have fun, and show our love of classic Transformers in a completely bizarre and lame way.
Of course, if you haven't already ventured that way, the
TF Blogs Web Site is a terrific way to find out more about what you're getting yourself into.
If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to post them in
tfblogsmisc, or comment OOCly to the journal of
shockslave, the community admin/mod#1. Inquiries can also be directed to
l33tmedic (mod #2) or
bebopbot (mod #3).
Current Announcements: as of 04/04/06
Please make sure your flists are updated and accurate! See
1_true_leader 's info for the complete, correct one!
Characters "Pending" - Jazz (player busy with RL, currently being NPC'ed by Ratchet's player). Pretenders aside from Catilla and Chainclaw on plotline hold (both characters now in play).
As of 1/17/06, TFBlogs is experiencing an all-encompassing plotline called "Reality Warped" in which the Mods are allowing characters from other TF series to become involved, via warp gates set off by certain formerly innocous events on Dinobot Island. The effect also causes G1 characters to take on new forms, such as Beast modes, or turn SD or human, etc. It is a temporary plotline, so if you chose to join in, keep in mind that whenever the Mods close it, the RPG will go back to G1 charas only.
All other rules still apply! In addition, we will only be allowing one version of each character from any universe, for example, Superlink Red Alert IS Superlink Red Alert and not to be referred to as "Energon" Prowl. This also means we are not allowing "series equivalents" -- e.g., Superlink is the universe connected to the 'Blogs, not Energon, just as Galaxy Force is but not Cybertron. This is to avoid the whole "You look like this guy I know but your name/personality/gender is different!?!!?" that happens in TF Nexus RPs. Reality Warped is not quite the same as those nexus RPGs.
As of 5/18/06 the 'Blogs are closed for new RW charas. Thanks everyone for the fun so far, and enjoy playing out the rest of this plotline until the Mods indicate it's time for these mechs to head on home! ^_^