Jun 26, 2005 11:19

So, Yesterday was my 22nd b-day and it was pretty darn good, despite the fact that I had to go into work at 5:15am, but it went very well and I was able to get off by 11am. Erik is awsome and while I was at work he and his sister (since he can't drive a stick) secretly got my car and took it through the car wash and Erik vacuumed it out. It was rather confusing walking out to my car and thinking... hmm... my car looks WAY too clean... am I going mad? (it's been over a year since my car has had a bath...) and when I started driving and noticed the pennies that had once littered the pasenger side floor (apparently the person who broke into my car was upset at my coin purse containing nothing else) had been picked up and neetly put away! AWSOME!!!

then I got home and opened my gifts from Erik, which consisted of a 5th of Cointreau, a little Eeyore, a mini dragon statue, a Killers CD, and a FREAKING AWSOME action figure (what else?) of the Star Wars Unleashed Anakin Skywalker fighting on the lava. The even better part of this is that he connects to the action figure of Obi Wan and they pose fighting eachother!!! WOO HOO!!! (needless to say I am going to target today with my b-day money and buying an Obi Wan.. WOO HOO!!)

affter that Erik took me to Omsi where we saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (sp?) on the Omnimax theater! OMG! WOW. If you people haven't been there, it's like 6 (or more?) times bigger than a normal movie screen, and it wraps all around out so that you feel like you are actually there.

after that we walked through OMSI for the first time in years and saw the old and the new exibits which was pretty cool as well.
then we went to Manzana for dinner where I stuffed myself silly, and when we went home I promptly fell asleep (on accident).

today I'm heading to Saturday Market, Powells, Thi Orchid, and parents home for my family b-day celebration. YAY for split b-days!!

I miss you all!
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