Sep 06, 2005 23:05
Hello and welcome to another exciting episode of The Twilight Zone. *cue music* Kelly. A typical American teen; or is she? The world may never know. However, I'll let you decide after hearing the chilling tale of what happened on September 6th, 2005.
It all started out as a normal day. Nothing to report. Kelly woke up, got dressed, grabbed her stuff and headed out the door. Her first clue that something was up should have been the fact that she arrived to school on time.
2nd Hour. Kelly forced herself to stay awake during Titus's lecture the same way she always does; drawing little comics all over her notebook. Bam. The last few minutes of class were dwindling away. She sat and waited to hear that heavenly bell. Suddenly, Titus approached the des, leaned down and began staring at the poor girl. After a moment of this, she says "Yes?"
"I got an e-mail from Mrs. Hageman. Why didn't you go to her class during Trojan Time?" questions the unqualified man.
"What are you talking about? I didn't go because she signed more people up to go than there were computers."
"Then, you shouldn't have left the classroom!"
At this point, all she could think was, "Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit." In a voice which was growing angrier by the second, she quickly retorts "I didn't leave the room! I was late that day. I sat right there in the blue chair the whole hour."
The crazed man who is somehow allowed to "teach" Honors Goverenment stares for a moment longer, decides that he has lost this argument and returns to his conversation with his prized students.
"Fucking idiot."
4th Hour. Nothing to report.
6th Hour. Jazz band. Holloman yelled at the class because their folders weren't organized. Kelly's friend, Sandy, decided to skip CAD and join the 6th hour Jazz band.
Lunch. Reaching out for the green paper, she began to walk toward the cafeteria. She threw her stuff down and walked out toward Vendoland. After purchasing a Wild Cherry Pepsi, she returned to the lunch room, tossed the soda to the table, and grabbed some lunch. Sandy, Sarah, Josh, Eddie, Caitlin, Laura, Sai, and Adam joined her for lunch. Shoving the last bits of cardboard down her throat, she started her French homework. She finished before the bell, amazingly with help from Adam, and headed to the final hour of the day.
8th Hour. French 4. Literally, nothing to report. Although, Kelly discovered that Madame Waldo has similar opinions of Mr. Titus. In her words, "He's the most negative person I know." She said some other things but I choose not to repeat them at this time; Kelly or Mme Waldo may not approve.