Happy birthday to us!

Apr 09, 2012 15:33

So yesterday, my twin sister and I celebrated twenty-three years of surviving potential tragic bungee-jumping accidents, polar bear maulings, or ingesting suspicious smelly French cheeses. \o/ Happy birthday to us!

Mini Doctor Who dance party, courtesy of tumblr! (Which has been sucking up a lot of my spare time lately - TIME WELL-WASTED!) For more entertaining GIFs, check me out here!

I celebrated my birthday this weekend by hanging out with a handful of friends in Paris (we have such a hard life here in France, when we had to "settle' for going to Paris because the train tickets on Easter weekend to go to Mont St. Michel were too expensive, at 50 euro one-way!). We watched Hunger Games (an AMAZING, if a bit depressing, film), wandered about the Champs-Elysées, ate grilled goat cheese sandwiches, and soaked in the atmosphere. Then, we had two movie nights in a row, made delicious food, chatted with family members on Skype, etc. :)

My "real" birthday party will be on Wednesday (because at least ten guests can come instead of just two). It's going to be a hat party - and I've already found my lovely hat. :3 Expect photos.

I am also feeling much better than I did in my last post. I'm still taking antibiotics, but I'm only coughing once every hour or so, not once every minute or ten seconds. :)

In other news, I have less than a month to go before I must return to Canada. I actually only have like five days of work left here in France! I'm really going to miss it - my lifestyle here, my friends, constantly practicing French... I do look forward to returning to Canada and seeing my friends and family there again, but... I'll leave part of my heart here in France.

I'm also anxious about work. I haven't yet heard back officially from the fort yet, so I don't know what era I'm going to be in, nor the training dates (and if I'm going to miss any by returning on May 7th). I mean, I'm 99.9995% I have the job, but there's always that small insecure part of you thinking "Well, even if they've already asked me if I have my first aid certificate and about requests for time off and I got a great end of season review and had a great rapport with last year's supervisor, and, well, but WHAT IF THEY DON'T REALLY LIKE ME???" :( :( :( )

Fort Edmonton? I'm waiting... D:

happy birthday to us!, surviving another year, doctor who, joblessness, dance party!

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