
Jul 20, 2007 10:44

Supposedly the last word in Deathly Hallows, J.K.Rowling

Anyway, it's about mid-day now - I still have thirteen hours until I can crack open my own copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. :( However, I thought I'd just give a quick update.

Last night, I had a long, winding dream (you know, the kind that switches focus/scenes like fifteen times?). Anyway, one of the things that I remember clearly was that someone yelled out "Spoiler! Snape lives!" So... now I want to see if it was a prophetic dream or not. If Snape survives the book, then I'm psychic! XD

Also, on that note, I spent the last three days madly knitting a two-toned green "armband" with "TRUST SNAPE" on it. :) I don't think he's evil.

Now, it's about 10:50am as I write this. I had a shift at Superstore this morning, from 8am until noon. So how am I typing this, you might ask? I was biking to work, and was hit by a car. >_<; I was biking past this one intersection, and saw a car waiting to pull into traffic. I didn't see a gap, so I thought it was safe to ride in front of him. I was going downhill, so I braked a little as I approached. As soon as I pulled in front of him, though, he shot forward and hit me, bruising my leg and throwing me about a meter or two. Luckily, I was wearing my helmet. He hit me with the front of his car, I didn't hit the side of it. Anyway, he stayed and called an ambulance, and several other people stopped to see if I was okay. Even a doctor, on her way to work, stopped and used her stethoscope on me (my heart beat was going crazy; I think I was in mild shock). I didn't loose consciousness, or break anything, but I did get a scraped elbow, bruised hip and a twingy ankle. We were both going pretty slowly I just hope I'm not miserable and in pain at the midnight release this evening.

However, I'm really grateful for my luck, though - that would have absolutely sucked had I broken something or been killed today of all days. It reminds me of our own mortality - someday, I'm going to die, and there's so many things that I won't be able to do. I mean, there will be awesome books published after my death that I'll never be able to read.

So my only vehicle (my beautiful bike), has a front wheel totally bent up. I called my dad, and had him drive me home (luckily, he had an eye appointment at ten, so he wasn't at work). The man who ran me over actually only lives a few blocks away from me, and he offerred to pay for bike repairs. He was a nice guy, and I think the accident was at least partially my fault. I should have stopped, to be cautious, even though I had right of way. Still, it was almost bound to happen eventually, as I often bike to work during rush hour, next to the busy highway to Edmonton.

I wonder how big the bruise on my hip will be.

(I was tempted to put "crushed" as my mood, in reference to my accident, but decided against it ;P ).

harry potter, my thoughts - let me show you them, life is dangerous

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