Meilleurs Vœux et Bonne Nouvelle Année!

Dec 31, 2011 17:31

Happy New Year everybody! I hope that this one will be a good one.

My resolutions are as follows:

-Improve my Japanese (at least review it so I am at the same level I was two years ago)
-Stop biting fingernails
-Lose 10 lbs (I have a bit of a tummy)
-Be adventurous! Visit more of France and don't hesitate to go to more foreign lands. (This one will be easiest, I think, if lack of money doesn't get in the way.)

I had a brilliant 2011. Certainly, it was off to a stressful start, with the steady demand of papers, research, presentations, and finally, my thesis... but my summer at Fort Edmonton, surrounded by like-minded friends/colleagues, was very enjoyable and I really grew as a person. My time in France as well has helped me become more independent, while likewise improving my French skills (and communication skills in either of my main languages!) and giving me amazing opportunities to travel and make connections in this country.

I am certainly excited for what the new year holds for me - and it will be an immense surprise to me when I finally discover where I will be come autumn. I look forward to the year with great optimism!

(And who knows - maybe I have found, or will find, my true love!)

happiness, happy new year to all and to all a good

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