Feeling in a Christmassy mood...

Dec 05, 2011 15:01

Update on grad school applications: two are completely submitted! \o/ If nothing else, I have a fair chance at getting into the University of Western Ontario and the good old U of A! I'm still working on three more, though to save money (each application requires a $100 fee to be considered) I may let one drop. We shall see.

Anyway, the Christmas decorations are up in Rouen, and the lights make me happy. :) My assistant friends and I have discovered a cozy little tea place called Le Salon de Thé, and there they sell a delightful tea called "Esprit de Noël", which pretty much tastes like distilled Christmas in a cup. Drinking that with friends made me very happy as well.

I was also just linked this video on youtube. (Okay, so it doesn't want to be embedded here, but you can see it here.) I love classical Christmas carols (and yes, even religious ones) when done right. There is no Christmas song I loathe more than "Santa Baby". (For the record, my current favourite Christmas song is "The Huron Carol" / "Twas in the Moon of Wintertime".) I'm also probably getting involved with a carolling group organized by other English assistants. :) I am very excited to sing Christmas songs! :)

I have also recently been introduced to "The Angel Gabriel"/"Gabriel's Message", which is very beautiful! Here it is being sung by Sting, of all people.

I've also just booked my train ticket to the tiny town where my French friend Maialen's parents live. The trains are already full - I had to take an earlier train than her so I'll have to wait at the station, but hey, at least I'll be with someone I know over Christmas! :)

On another happy note: apparently they're going to come and (finally) fix the water heater tomorrow! I've been waiting over a month and a half for the chance to take a hot shower in my own apartment! \o/

excitement, noel, positiveness

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