French children are ~adorable~!

Sep 10, 2011 18:00

I haven't even met them yet, but I'm already in love with the children in one of my classes in France. I'm not leaving until the last week of September, so my supervisor teacher, who I will be assisting, has been communicating with me by e-mail.

Today, she sent me a series of questions by the kids about me. All they know is my name and that I'm from Canada, I think. Their questions are adorable! I sent them a page-long answer (she asked me to do one message because some of the questions were repeats), which she'll read aloud to them. These examples are from eleven to fourteen year olds. (I was sent their names but I
won't publish them here.)

"During my holidays, I went to my godmother's for a month and to my grandparents' with my mother and my 2 sisters. Where did you go during your holidays? What is your culture? I like series. What do you like?"

(I hope that she forgives me for not answering the tricky question of "what is your culture" just yet. ;) I'll tackle that in class.)

"What did you do over the holidays? Are you happy to come to France? What's the weather like in Canada? I like to read comic strips."

"I like the cinema and TV. I don't like rugby. I love New York.I would like to go there. My parents work in a hospital. Have you got a boyfriend? Do you like France?"

"I like series about vampires. Do you like series too?I would like to go all over the world later. I have lots of dreams. And you? I wish you a good travel."

I'm really looking forward to meeting these guys in person!

cuteness, molding young minds, positiveness, excitement, english is just weird, true north strong and free, omg glee!, check this out omg

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