I intend to live forever

May 10, 2007 17:16

So far, so good.

So... I survived my English 30 AP exam today! Woot! I signed an agreement saying that I wouldn't "divulge the contents of this packet, not even to my AP teacher", so I can't give any specifics beyond what's already known. I had to do 55 multiple choice questions (comprehension stuff), with five options instead of the usual four (you know, ABCDE instead of ABCD) - the last one was particularly obscure. And then was the whole "three essays in two hours" thing - otherwise known as "write until your brain dribbles out one ear". XP

But... I live! XD I actually think I did pretty well, and they scale it all anyway. ^_^

Of course, it was a morning thing, and my English class is in the afternoon, therefore to add insult to injury we had to go to class, afterwards. But we got a treat - we got to watch the movie version of that awesome play, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" - hilarious stuff. :) Plus, y'know, deep.

I've been quite busy - learning how to waltz for Grad. I also broke up with my longtime boyfriend, Daniel (actually, only two weeks before our first anniversary). I feel bad for breaking up with him, but a little relieved, too. I've just turned eighteen last month, and I'm not searching for a life partner at the moment.

In any case, I've also been writing a lot - besides, of course, all of the scholastic essays I've been writing. I have made a promise to myself to write at least a paragraph a day of my fanfics (none of which I've posted except one random one-shot, featuring Furher!Ed and here it is, *shameless plug* http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3429447/1/), and so far I've succeeded, with the exception of the two-week in Japan period.

Speaking of which... I've uploaded some of my best photographs (not of scenery, anyway, I mean some of the more unique stuff) onto a website called Flickr. Here's a link to my gallery: check 'em out! :D http://www.flickr.com/photos/7780435@N05/ (click to make them bigger, and feel free to post and ask about the backstory to any of them).

I hope you're all doing well! ^_^

party it up, daguerreotypes and other photography, scholarly pursuits, fanficcery, fullmetal alchemist, oh those crazy japanese

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