I guess it's official, then.

Jun 08, 2011 21:38

I... have graduated from university.


Left: my twin sister dearest. Right: myself. Location: the front steps of Pembina Hall.

Because we're twins and we began university in the same year, despite pursuing separate degrees, we graduated on the same day. She's in Linguistics, I, History, but as we're both technically in the Arts Faculty we graduated... in two separate ceremonies on the same day. We were so close to having the same one! They grouped them alphabetically by department, and the cutoff line was at the letter "L" - she just slipped out of my ceremony. :P Oh, well! I had friends in both.

Some of the speakers repeated their speeches from the morning, which is understandable, considering how many ceremonies over the course of this week and a bit that they have to attend, but some speakers (namely, the politicians) recycled their speeches from the other politicians. Like, they have one stock speech that one of them wrote and that they all repeat. One of them had the occasional line in French, and the afternoon speaker just couldn't pronounce them. ;)

Still, there were two separate men receiving honorary degrees in each ceremony and they were both inspirational speakers, so there was that. And the university president did use some very amusing references to Harry Potter, so I can forgive her for using that speech twice (or more). In fact, she referred to this awesome Harvard commencement speech that J.K.Rowling did in 2008. Really worth a listen, if you've never heard it and need to be inspired.

All in all, it was a good day. A bit bittersweet, because I don't think that I will ever be a fresh-faced undergraduate again. I'll get another degree, I won't lie, but I still have to figure out life, first, and decide where to go and what to study. The world is my oyster, I suppose. I just have to figure out how to crack it.

As a side note: listening to Symphony of Science songs makes me feel kind of like I should have studied science instead. Talk about inspiration!

keep calm & carry on, party it up, daguerreotypes and other photography, scholarly pursuits, positiveness

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