Getting organized for the future, that's me

Mar 06, 2011 13:48

 So after this past stressful week... I'm finally getting stuff done!

Things I have achieved:
-Handed in 45 page draft of my honour's thesis on Thursday. The final copy isn't due until March 31st. Now I just need to organize and edit the crap out of the thing, but it's well on its way.

-Applied for Fort Edmonton two weeks ago. Since I was invited back, in theory I now I have a job for the summer. \o/ No big worries there.

-Both job applications for the teaching assistant positions in France and Quebec, both of which begin in the autumn, have been handed in. No more job applications to write! \o/ I'm still not sure if I have a job/something to do come September, but it's out of my hands for the moment.

-I have written outlines for two of my final papers, and part of one for another. Also, I've been doing a LOT of reading... which has to count for something, eventually?

Things I still have to worry about:
-Papers! Lots of reading/research! Four big ones to write. Getting research done, slowly but surely. Steadily? "Steadily" is a good word... It's not getting done FAST but it is getting done. Kind of.

-Research for the Rutherford House Centennial Book project. I agreed to do this months ago, and it's just getting started. Hopefully I won't have to do much before final exams and papers are due. (And since a lot of the other researchers are grad students and others at the U of A I presume that they wouldn't demand much of us before the last day of classes?)

Little things to make me happy (I've got to keep track of the little things in life, so I don't overlook them):

-The book project people are treating we researchers to tea at the lovely Arbour Restaurant (inside the Rutherford House itself), something that I've always wanted to do but just haven't gotten around to doing yet. :) (Another goal is to go to Fort Edmonton on one of my days off this summer and take high tea at the Selkirk Hotel, which I'm told is fantastic.)

-I have my health! Mostly! (I was a bit coughy and sneezy this past week, but I'm getting better.) No broken limbs, lingering aches and pains, etc. I'm not as fit as I can be, but once the weather warms up and the sidewalks aren't so treacherous, I'm going to take up jogging again in earnest. And cycling. I miss my bike.

-I learned how to make quesedillas today, successfully! :) Mmm, cheese... I like learning how to cook and bake new things, especially when they turn out so well!

-I have a summer reading list that is growing longer by the day. Very excited to get started on this! :)

-In a month and a half, I will be free! Graduated! I just have to get through March and April...

-Also, visiting grandpa and Claire in Spain in April! We'll only be there for two weeks, but it's definitely something to look forward to. Brushing up on my Spanish, seeing the Mediterranean, reacquainting myself with a relative that I haven't seen since I was too young to remember... :) It will be awesome. 

keep calm & carry on, my thoughts - let me show you them, anxiousness, life is dangerous, to do list, positiveness, excitement, scholarly pursuits

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