I've noticed that many other people have been making fanfiction recommendations recently, which I greatly appreciate. :) I thought that I would thus return the favour and rec a few to make you smile and get the new year off to a good start. :) Some of these are very recent; others have been favourites of mine for years. A mixed bag so there will be something for everyone. :)
Furthermore, in the spirit of good cheer and well-wishing, if anybody wants more recommendations of any fandom, feel free to comment and I'll see what I can dig up for you from my brain and/or
Delicious archive. :) (Also, huzzah for the rumours of Delicious' demise being greatly exaggerated?)
Counting the Hours by Forthright
Fandom: Inuyasha
Summary: "When Inuyasha calls in a favor, Kagome sacrifices her holiday in order to help him fulfill an annual familial obligation. Missed flights, misunderstandings, and mistletoe conspire to bring two strangers together."
This fic is absolutely lovely. Anything by this author is, but this fic makes me smile. Realistic fluff. The first chapter was posted over Christmas last year; the second chapter picks up where the last one left off, only covers the week afterwards, and was posted only a few days ago. The author intends to make this an annual thing, and I don't know whether or not to glee or be dismayed at having to wait a whole other year for an update... Of her other fics, I particularly love
Unspoiled for sending Kagome to a past in which she encounters a very young and adorable Sesshoumaru. But really, if you love the series, read all of Forthright's works.
This Kid I Once Knew by Minnow
Fandom: Calvin & Hobbes
Summary: "Daniel sends their whole improv group an e-mail saying "check this out its fun1!1" and a link to a web comic called The Adventures of Spaceman Spiff."
If you loved Calvin & Hobbes when you were younger like me (and still love it, again, like me), you will love this fic. :) And possibly
The Roommate of +10 Confusion, a Calvin & Hobbes crossover with Foxtrot, in which Calvin and Jason become roommates and awesomeness occurs. Thanks to
beckyh2112 for pointing these my way.
Oh, and speaking of Calvin & Hobbes, this should make you smile (especially, but not necessarily, if you're a history dork like me): "
Few historians know of the heartwarming friendship between French Reformation theologian John Calvin and English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes, the latter of whom may or may not have been real, considering he was not even born yet." Strange Girl by Sunfreak
Fandom: Spirited Away
Summary: "She's a strange girl. They all say it. She talks to rivers and trees and animals and won't dissect the frogs in science class. And she always wears that same silly hair tie, no matter how she does her hair."
Oh come on, when you saw that movie don't tell me you weren't aching for Chihiro to meet Kohaku again, weren't you? ;_;
Flying Again by esama
Fandom: Harry Potter AND Temeraire. Crossovers = <3
Summary: "Harry learns languages and philosophy and mathematics and misses something important, while elsewhere Charlie thinks of pearls and foolish dreams and is unable to find the right dragon."
A story told in (adorable and touching) drabbles, in which William Laurence is reincarnated as Charlie Weasley, and Temeraire as Harry Potter. Give it a chance, if you love Temeraire. Also, dragons.
The Kids Aren't All Right by Christine Everhart(?)
Fandom: Iron Man, movie!verse
Summary: “It’s been ‘a hell of a year’ since industrialist Tony Stark owned up to his alter ego in a move that stunned observers and longtime aides alike. With the US facing unprecedented homegrown suicide attacks, Iron Man’s contribution to national security is more than ever under scrutiny. As she follows Stark during a year of crisis, exclusively for Vanity Fair, Christine Everhart explores the many contradictions of the man behind the mask, uncovers tales of personal loyalty, patriotism gone awry and corporate betrayal, and asks whether Iron Man is the embodiment of an outdated American fantasy-a self-made, unilateral, technological solution to hopelessly complex problems-and whether he can survive the violent encounter with reality.”
...AKA someone actually wrote that article that the reporter chick was working on throughout the movie. You know the one, she who slept with Tony at the beginning of the movie, provided exposition throughout, and prompted him during That Press Conference to actually confess who he was. This fic has an amazing voice and really could be a part of official canon. It's amazing. Also, has pictures, like a real magazine article would!
This one is probably on my list of the top 10 most amazing fanfics of all time. This is the fic I point to/explain when someone asks me what the point of fanfiction is.
The Cold We Hate by VioletzeEcoFreak
Fandom: Hetalia
Summary: "The North American Ice Storm of 1998, an indisputable example of the cold Canadians and Americans alike loathe."
America and England help Canada through a rough patch. I have a weakness for hurt-comfort fic. Also, Canadiana. This fic is particularly appropriate at this time of the year.
The Care and Feeding of Hobbits by Baylor
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Summary: "Ruminations on the Little People by Boromir, Man of Gondor."
An oldie but goody. Lord of the Rings was one of my first fandoms, way back in junior high. This one is still one of my favourites, and holds a special place in my heart. Fluff, but believable fluff, with hobbit cultural tidbits and not-a-bastard!Boromir. :)
I saw The King's Speech a few days ago with my Mother dearest, and I have to say that it was one of the most uplifting movies I've seen in a long time. It was funny, engaging, entertaining, intelligent... I especially loved the swearing scene, nearly cried at the scene where Bertie actually began to talk about his childhood and could barely get it out, and gleed when the speech therapist's wife came home early and found the Queen of England sitting down for tea in their tiny little flat... as well as dozens of other beautifully done scenes. :) Amazingly well done film. Even the trailer makes you feel awesome, watching it:
Click to view
And as for tomorrow... I'm going to post those postcards and letters, apply for jobs, and actually work on my thesis. I promise. >_>