Art history and turkey

Oct 10, 2010 22:00

 I've been... kind of working on homework this long weekend. I'm getting readings done at least, and dribs and drabs of other assignments! Most importantly of all, I've been working on a plan for my thesis, so I can figure out the flow of thoughts. I feel like I'm actually kind of sort of getting stuff done!

On a related note, I've slowly started to study for my Art History midterm in two weeks. It's mostly on the mid- to late-nineteenth century in Western art, and I've been trying to come up with Mnemonic devices to help me remember who painted what. Exampe: Millet painted "The Gleaners", and gleaners work in fields, well, gleaning different kinds of grains... like MILLET. >_> Hey, if it works for me...

The strangest one has to be the one that I came up with for trying to remember Eugène Delacroix's oft-parodied "Liberty leading the people", which I quite like. Here's a reproduction of it from google images:

I've started to think of it in terms of a line from the French version of the Canadian national anthem, which goes:
"Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits."
Note that I've bolded "la croix", like the painter's name. Roughly translated, this more badass version of the anthem goes:
"Because your arm knows how to bear the sword,
And it knows how to bear the cross!
Your history is an epoch
Of brilliant exploits."

Which sounds an aweful lot like this image up there!

So, uh, yeah, that's what I've been up to. >_>

Also, Turkey happened. Dad was out of town, still in India, and as he's the one who normally does the cooking, especially on Thanksgiving... I volunteered! I managed to create stuffing, roast the turkey, and make the gravy. My siblings made various vegetable dishes... and we had pumpkin pie for desert! :D It turned out quite well! Huzzah!

roast beast, oh those crazy french, histories, omnomnom, true north strong and free

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