Medical History Link!

Oct 03, 2010 17:48

 Okay guys, so some of you may be aware that I have a fascination with medical history, especially that of the nineteenth century, right? That's what I'm writing my honour's thesis on?

Well, a friend of mine just linked me to what looks like a fascinating website run by the British National Archives. Take a look!

In short, they're: "journals and diaries compiled by Royal Navy surgeons and assistant surgeons who served on HM ships, hospitals, naval brigades, shore parties and on emigrant and convict ships in the period 1793 to 1880."

(This may also be of use if you're a fan of the Temeraire series and/or Master & Commander! The heroes do occasionally get injured!)

The photo gallery includes some super neat things, including:

-drawings illustrating the effects of scurvy on the lower limbs
-very nicely detailed coloured sketches of sea snakes, one of which reportedly killed a man on board
-in a different folder, a sexy picture of an actress named Mrs. Langtry from 1885

All available to you for the low, low price of FREE ON THE INTERWEBS.


!!! In the "highlights" page, it says that some of the documents include: "A surgeon recounts the case of a 12 year old girl who vomited an 87 inch worm and in another journal a surgeon describes what is possibly the first recorded case of a hermaphrodite in the Royal Navy."

histories, daguerreotypes and other photography, scholarly pursuits, 1800s

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