Brief update - a note in a bottle

Jun 10, 2010 16:29

I have a bare 5 minutes left of paid internet time at a tourist info place in Portree, on the Isle of Skye, so I'll just post this to let everyone know that our tiny little plane didn't crash into the sea or anything!

In fact, Sara and I have been very much enjoying ourselves in the islands! :D I have about three or four posts written up on my iPod detailling our adventures (surprisingly few misadventures involved, I rescind any negative ideas I held about the islands before today), and I'll be spamming all of your inboxes with them as soon as I have access to free wifi. That could be tomorrow when we move to Armadale, or in three days when we get to Inverness. We'll see!

We're having an adventure. The sun is shining, the birds are singing (literally), and I love being served toasties with brie and cranberries. :)

omnomnom, positiveness, history buddies trip 2010

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