Day One

May 27, 2010 12:26

Day One: writing on less than thirty minutes of sleep from a public computer in London Heathrow, watching the little timer in the corner of the screen going down. I only have 50p left to put in this machine, so I will go as quickly as possible! (Need to spend more money and thus get more change for internets...)

So my flight went by relatively quickly! It was 8 hours or so long, which is apprently short for an Edmonton-London flight. I watched a documentary on Arthur Conan Doyle, and the Terminators 2 movie. Opposites! ... or are they?

I'm worried I'm not making much sense, as I am completely incapable of sleeping on flights. We got into Heathrow at like 3am, Edmonton time. Fun! :)

Hmm... what else can I say? Well, I'm safely in London, at least, and the volcano has been behaving.

I kind of miss the Edmonton International Airport, actually. I like the feel of belonging - everything is so CANADIAN in Canadian airports, what with French/English everywhere, regalia covered in moose/meese/mooses and maple leaves sold in every store... You can't even escape the wide open nature of the country inside, as evidenced by the sparrows who seemed to have taken up residence within the airport building.

London Heathrow is apparently experiencing strikes amongst its baggage workers (for British Airways, I believe?) but you wouldn't believe it from the efficiency I experienced on the ground. I found my bus to transfer terminals quite easily, no problems... unlike the poor american lady behind me in line who had missed two transfers because her first flight was late leaving from Chicago... I hesitate to say that everything is working for fear of jinxing it, but....

Right now I'm sitting in a crowded shopping area, close by the boarding gate for my flight to Dublin... which departs in just over three and a half hours. I'm resisting the urge to fall asleep (as I would thus likely miss my plane). Contemplating Starbucks... or another coffee place, for some sort of caffinated drink. I would also like some food, I think... yes. Food is good. Food will keep me awake.

In any case... I'll be signing off, we three minutes to spare! (E-mail checking time).

Until next time (when I'll be likely less rushed, better rested, and more coherent)...

flying devil machines, history buddies trip 2010, oh those crazy english

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