Christmas time is in the air...

Oct 12, 2009 13:20

Oh my goodness, guys, there's snow on the ground. D:

Note: only a slight exaggertion.

Actually, this photo is from my trip to Quebec city last February, and as such... well, it's a photograph of a snowdrift of snow accumulated over the course of five months in an extremely humid (and thus rainy/snowy) region. But damn it if it isn't how I feel about the snow on the ground outside. It's barely there, just like a light dusting of powdered sugar, but... it makes me want to hibernate.
 Other than that... things have been crazy hectic around here, lately. I've been studying like crazy for my History of Ireland class, trying to get some work on my research papers and the Domesday Book paper, keep up with readings and stats and French translation assignments... plus, you know, trying to take a break every so often so my brain can recuperate. D: I'm getting chunks of homework done, but my stress levels won't go down for at least a few weeks, after I've finished my midterms and handed in all of the paper proposals... then I get sit down and focus on my research papers. Finally. I just want to get them over and done with...

On a different note... oh god, what have I been doing outside of homework? Not much. A bit of reading, a bit of writing (again, not much). We had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner last night (yes, we have early thanksgivings in Canada - our harvest comes so much sooner, because of the cold weather!), which consisted of a delicious giant turkey (leftovers for a week! Huzzah!), stuffing, mashed potatoes, caramelized carrots, broccoli in a cheese sauce, and pumpkin pie for desert. OMNOMNOM.

Anyway... sorry for the short post, but I've really got to get back to my homework... D: See you guys later, when I pop my head up for a breather! When I do, I'll try to share with you some interesting history stories that I've run across while studying... I'm thinking of the awesomeness that is the life story of Hugh O'Neill... because what's a rebellion in Ireland without an O'Neill?

Oh, yes, I remember what I was going to say, now! Whoever it was on my friends list who reccomended the Brendan and the Secret of Kells movie? And providing the free download? You are pure awesome. I loved it to itty bitty pieces. The music! The (slightly innacurate) history! :D The beautiful animation (in the style of illuminated manuscripts, people!)! This was one seriously gorgeous movie.

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moving pictures, omgsnow!, get thee to work!, clime, daguerreotypes and other photography, scholarly pursuits, true north strong and free, omnomnom, oh those crazy irish, oh those crazy belgians

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