“Oh dear. I think I’ve fallen into Spare Oom.”

Mar 07, 2009 19:58

I am a total sheep. Yay for memes!

Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence!

Oh god I have a lot of WIPs... Many of which may never again see the light of day. This is only a selection, because I can't be bothered to go through so many files. ;)

A Narnia/Harry Potter crossover, mostly an excuse to write about Mr. Tumnus:
Lucy Pevensie had never been entirely clear with him about the name of the place that she had come from, and had thrown around names like “War Droab,” “Spare Oom”, “Aarth” and “Ingle-land” almost interchangeably.

From that Twilight/House, M.D. crossover that I'm still determined to finish:
However, if the turnover rate was slightly higher at this particular teaching hospital than was the national average, perhaps (although few would admit it) it had something to do with “stress due to gimpy diagnosticians.”

A Good Omens/Harry Potter crossover that I've written two chapters of, in which Remus Lupin becomes friends with Aziraphale in a roundabout way. This is from the scene in which they meet:
An unconscious young man on the floor was a good enough reason as any to close up shop early.

From a Temeraire fic which is essentially a tell-all autobiography written by the dragon Temeraire. Quote is from Temeraire's narration of his hatching:
Laurence tells me that I am biased, but I truly believe that he was the most handsome and agreeable man of the lot.

A totally-not-crack-but-really-should-be Temeraire fic in which Laurence dies but comes back as a Flamme-de-Gloire (yes, a dragon) and makes his way back to England:
“I realize the ridiculousness in this statement, but I really am William Laurence,” The dragonet replied.

omgdragons!, gimpy diagnosticians, good omens, crossover craziness, narnians, temeraire, fanficcery

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