"See if your Virgin Mary will help you now!"

Jan 24, 2009 20:50

(Subject line = exerpt from the chapter on the Thirty Year's War in one of my Habsburg history class textbooks ("The Habsburg Monarchy: 1618-1815" bgy CHarles Ingrao, if you want to know.)

That quote details the confrontation between some protestant dudes and the catholic representatives in Prague in 1618:

"Following a heated exchange they hurled both men, plus their secretary, out of a window. As the three men fell sixty feet into the dry moat below, one of the conspirators taunted them by exclaiming "See if your Virgin Mary will help you now!" The survival of all three men, two with only superficial injuries, prompted a flurry of pamphlets claiming that eyewitnesses had seen angels swooping out of the heavens to break their fall to earth. Whether by divine intervention or sheer luck the three had, in fact, survived the celebrated Defenestration of Prague by falling onto a pile of manure that had been dumped directly under a window." (pg. 30)

:3 Heehee - defenestration. <3

And now for something completely different:

omg quiz!, house of habsburg, scholarly pursuits, oh those crazy central europeans

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