You still have most of your fingers

Dec 08, 2008 14:58

Quote from a comic by Kate Beaton on that crazy Artic Explorer Franklin (see for more awesomeness).

Okay, so you know that they're the idiom, "History repeats itself"? Well, I've been thinking... Over the last little while, I've been studying (I'm a history major, it happens) history, and I've noticed a trend: people from the North coming down and conquering a previous nation.

Northerners came down and conquered and formed Assyria. The Greeks came from the North and conquered the Greek mainland (among lots of other places). Alexander the Great came from Caledonia, to the north of Greece, and proceeded to conquer... a lot. The Latini conquered the Estruscans to the South and became the Romans. Ghenghis Kahn came down and conquered like... everybody. I'm sure I missed dozens and dozens of more examples.

That got me thinking... is it Canada's turn next...?


(What a stupid thing to say, considering the current political turmoil (Darn you, you unholy triumvate of Liberal-NDP-Bloc-Québecois! D: ). Also, yay for Governor Michaelle-Jean! :D )

Um. In other words, history is eating my brain.

A longer post on recent events in my life is sure to follow when I next get sick of studying.

In other news, King Charles I of England is still gorgeous! :D I don't care if he was decapitated! (more news to follow)

scholarly pursuits, politik, charles i

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