The poor widows' cry, though it reach to heaven, is scarce heard here upon earth...(Reginald Scott)

Oct 09, 2008 18:04

"So what's new with Beboots?"  You may be wondering, if you too aren't bogged down by schoolwork. Why, I shall inform ye! (Also, everyone on facebook, check out your language options - alongside English (UK) there's English (pirate). So awesome...) Anyway....

First of all, I'm writing this on the oldschool family computer. Why? Because my laptop has ( Read more... )

scholarly pursuits, say it ain't so!, novel writing craziness, superduperstore

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anyjen October 12 2008, 14:20:47 UTC
Well, that's tough, but at least you're going to get a sweet amount of money at once. That will surely help, won't it? Maybe to save for your next trip... :)
And yes, it's me. I finally decided to get a LJ account... though to be honest, I've been using it mostly to post comments on the fics I read with cute avatars on them. XD


beboots October 12 2008, 23:54:37 UTC
You know, that's exactly why I myself got LJ way back in the day. ;) There's so much good fanfic to be found here!
Also, for the purposes of mental identification... what is your real-life name? I know that I know you, but I can't put a name to a face. D:

Also, I'm rather sad because there are more things wrong with my laptop than originally thought - now it's probably a problem with the motherboard, which means I either spend several hundred dollars to replace it, or replace my whole computer for only a little bit more. D: I want to choose neither!


anyjen October 13 2008, 00:33:27 UTC
Uh, I don't think you know my real name, so it wouldn't help you much. I'm Anyjen from, you beta my fics... "Dreams and Realities", "The Woollen Monstrosity"... Doumeki/Watanuki goodies... all that stuff. ^^U
If you still want my name I could tell you, but in private. I don't really want this account to get any associations with it. Security reasons, you know. ^^


beboots October 13 2008, 16:01:33 UTC
Right, right! I feel silly for not recognizing your name, now. ;_; Sorry!

...speaking of your stories... have you written anything lately...? ;)


anyjen October 13 2008, 18:33:07 UTC
Well, I've tried, but my muses are giving me the cold shoulder. I only have a couple of snippets, but nothing even resembling a fic... Oh, but how I wish I was one of those writers that can write a little bit every day and it's all great. If I try to force it I only get rubbish. :P


beboots October 16 2008, 19:58:57 UTC
I know what you mean. D: I've been trying to write, but it's even harder now because my laptop died. Like, kaput, no longer working... ;_; Plus, I really just need to buckle down and get my two papers done... and stop checking my e-mail/LJ when I should be doing research. D:


anyjen October 16 2008, 21:54:18 UTC
Why is it that some of get such lousy muses? No wonder the Greek started their odes by invoquing them... and judging by the results, not always got an answer from them. :P

Hope those papers go well. *cheers Beboots forward*

BTW, I love your icon... :)


beboots October 17 2008, 02:45:24 UTC
Why thank you! :D I made it myself. :3

Must... keep... writing... D: Although, the topic for one of my papers is witchcraft in Elizabethan England, so it's not boring, at least. ;)


anyjen October 17 2008, 16:26:12 UTC
I also make my own icons. It takes time, and they never come out very well, but it's worth the effort, at least for their uniqueness, right? :3

Good luck on that. I have some articles about the topic, but they're from a dubious source, so they wouldn't be much help in a formal paper... Darn plagiarists. They always have to spoil it for us. :P


beboots October 18 2008, 13:26:01 UTC
Thank you for your offer of help! I think that I'm okay for it, though... I've just got to work hardcore after I get home from work today...

So did you make that Doumeki/Bento icon too? :D It's adorable! Are their "names" underneath an umbrella...?


anyjen October 18 2008, 14:52:08 UTC
Well, then... Ganbare! :)

Yep, it was made by me. And yes, it's an umbrella... You see, in Japan, when a lovesick person writes or carves their name together with their loved one's somewhere, they don't do it in a heart like we do. They place their names side by side under a little umbrella... since sharing an umbrella is one of the most common, and oldest, public shows of affection in emotionally-repressed Japan. That's why you will see a lot of Japanese fangirls squealing about the fact that Doumeki sort of shared his umbrella with Watanuki when the latter lent his to Kohane-chan. Can you say subtext? :)
I just thought it would be funny to do it with "Bento", since he loves eating Watanuki's food so much. XD
But because I knew most western people wouldn't get it without a little help, I added the "OTP" and the little heart. ^^U


beboots October 18 2008, 22:39:02 UTC
Ah, yep, I knew the significance of umbrellas in Japanese culture. :3 It's relatively little-known, and I do love to tell random facts to people who don't know them. But you're probably just as informed as I am in this case. ;)

Yep, OTP is universal in the English fandom. ;)

... Okay, I'm going to stop slacking now and actually do my homework... I swear... D:


anyjen October 19 2008, 01:59:16 UTC
...well, if you happened to know when this umbrella thing originated, I'd love to hear it... so far I only know that going out to take a walk in the rain is considered the perfect excuse to walk side-by-side with your loved one, all huddled together under the same umbrella... After all, nobody can blame you if you forgot to bring yours and you had to share, right? And umbrellas these days are smaller than they used to be. ;)

But after you've done your homework!!


beboots October 19 2008, 12:47:19 UTC
I've heard tell of women who delibrately forget their umbrellas, for just such an excuse... ;)

But, I'm afraid I'm as clueless about the origins as you are. It's got to be a relatively old practice, because the Japanese have had umbrellas/parasols around for ages, haven't they?


anyjen October 19 2008, 21:23:18 UTC
Yeah, that's what I thought, too... maybe it was a natural thing? It was frowned upon for a couple to be alone together, but nobody could blame them if they were caught in the rain and were forced to share an umbrella, so they started doing in on purpose...
in Spanish we have this saying; "Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa", which is similar to "Forewarned, forearmed", in that it implies that once the rules are outlined, it's excepted of you to find the way around them. ;)


beboots October 19 2008, 22:57:21 UTC
Ooh... that is a good saying. :3 I love proverbs and odd expressions... Here, have an obscure one back (it's a French expression that's rarely used in English, but cool anyway: "violon d'Ingres": "an occasional pastime, an activity other than that for which one is well-known, or at which one excells," 1963, from Fr., lit. "Ingres' violin," from the story that the great painter prefered to play his violin -- badly -- for visitors instead of showing them his pictures.
"Une légende, assez suspecte, prétend que le peintre Ingres état plus fier de son jeu sur le violon, jeu qui était fort ordinaire, que de sa peinture, qui l'avait rendu illustre."
(Taken from, which is a wicked awesome website and has clarified many a word in my Tudor Regime assignments...)


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