I'm a novelist. You've gotta read if you want to write.

Aug 16, 2008 20:05

Jiraiya, from Buni-san's fic "Aniki" (which I beta read... that's actually a sneak preview quote from the next chapter SHH DON'T TELL ANYONE)

I felt that that was an appropriate quote, considering the subject of this post. I read this really good fic a few days ago (well, I finished it late last night, as I pretty much spent a huge chunk of two evenings reading this thing), and I felt the need to do a fanfic reccomendation post. I'm going to do this differently than I normally do; I'm not going to focus on one fandom, but I'm going to list what I consider the "best of the best" in some of my favourite fandoms. That way, people can see what I like... and I can push my favourite fics on everyone. ;3

Keep in mind, these are just my personal top favourites. This doesn't mean that I don't love a huge librairy of fanfic other than the ones listed here, too.  If you want to check out more of what I read, go to my delicious, found here: http://delicious.com/Beboots That site is so helpful for organizing my favourites! Best of all, it makes me feel less paranoid, as everything is stored online, and not on my laptop, which is potentially vulnerable to crashing.

Anyway, in no particular order (except the first, which is the fic that I mentioned above), here are the fics that I consider the most in-character, amazing and squee-worthy fics ever...

Fandom: Invader Zim
Title: In Short Supply http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4018157/1/In_Short_Supply
When Purple discovers that the gap between the tall and short Irkens is widening, he fears the worst, the division of the Irken race. But as Red denies that anything's wrong, he resorts to filling that gap himself. With Zim's help.

Why I love it: This is the most in-character fic I've ever read, in any fandom. The author captures the spirit of the characters, makes you crack up in laughter, but also slips in those awesome little tidbits on Irken culture and little squee-worthy moments of hurt-comfort that I do so love. :3


"You're almost a fourth of a unit too tall," Zim said, frowning in puzzlement. "How can an imposter be taller than the Tallest?"

"That's because Red and I round our heights," Purple said wearily. "If someone asks our height it's a lot easier to say 217 units than to say 217.239046 units." Red's height was actually 217.240081 units, but potential Tallest were legally defined as the same height if they were within .1 units of the actual tallest Irken, luckily for Purple.

"Oh. Yeah," Zim said. He still looked baffled. Most Irken citizens were when they found out. Purple had experienced this enough times to know what Zim was thinking: you, the Almighty Tallest, would round your height down a fourth of a unit? You're so astoundingly tall that you can cut off some of your own height without losing any of your authority?
Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Tales From the House of the Moon http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1638751/1/Tales_From_the_House_of_the_Moon
Kagome, now in college, discovers the tale of Sesshomaru and Rin. Grief can be a prison, but the bonds of love are not easily broken. What is the truth behind fairytales?

Why I love this fic: It's one of the most believable progressions of a romantic relationship EVER. The two involved don't actually kiss until, like chapter thirty or more. But it's so awesome. Gah! Plus, this is one of the few fics that in which I've cried while reading it. But I don't consider it to be overall angst. There are many badass moments in it, too, plus, of course, jokes and lightheartedness. This fic is the epic of the Inuyasha fandom! It's genre cannot be defined in one little box!


"They're called moonflowers, and I thought they were particularly appropriate, since we live in the House of the Moon. Of course," she prattled on, "they don't live very long; not far past dawn, actually, and they're pretty susceptible to cold, but I think that just for the small amount of time they live that it's worth it. They seem to shine like the moon, ne?"

"They die quickly?" he asked.

Rin nodded, but she sighed happily. "It's nice to watch them grow, but I don't want to be around when they droop. It's so much more pleasant that way. Don't you agree, Sesshoumaru-sama?"

The wind was cold and the dawn was coming, and the flowers shone, bright and beautiful, just for a moment in time.

Sesshoumaru said nothing. He merely stared at the wall of doomed flowers and tried not to think in metaphors.
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Title: desynchronization http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3701895/1/desynchronization
A chance rescue one evening turns into quite a surprise for Ogata Juudan. Whom exactly did he pull out of the Ichigaya Canal? 
Why I love this fic: It takes the stereotypical concept of "Sai returns from the dead", tosses in the overused plot device of amnesia... and makes it into an amazing, anti-cliché, brilliant piece of writing. Sai is so adorable (in character, too), and slowly, people figure out that he's that famous internet player, s. a. i. ... Also, the author has done a wonderful job with her actual research on Japan, especially Heian era culture and mannerisms, as well as stuff on modern-day Tokyo, and it really shows. The author has actually been to the Nihon-ki-in, so she really does know what she's talking about! Plus, you know, there's lots of character-based squee moments. It's awesome. Seriously. Just read it.

Fujiwara was quite gifted, no doubt, and he must have certainly studied that player online, but he wasn't--
Ogata froze, his vision nearly blurring from shock as a second pattern emerged from the board like a phantom rising out of a fog, a pattern that encompassed nearly the entire board in its influence. That single black move had breathed life into Fujiwara's stones and death into his. Ogata grasped his knees tightly with trembling hands; he'd been confident that he'd been reading the game deeply. But Fujiwara had read it down to its skeleton. How... ?
Tell me who you are. And Ogata looked up to meet s a i 's eyes.

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist

(this is a series, really)
Title(s): The Adventures of Roy Mutang, Sex Ed Teacher, http://sky-dark.livejournal.com/293285.html and its sequel, Better Living Through Alchemy http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=sky_dark&keyword=Better+Living+Through+Alchemy&filter=all

The title of the first in the series really explains it all. It's porn, but with plot. Lots of plot. And an awesome Alphonse. And all character being in-character. Squee!
Why I love it: I really like the sequel, especially, because Ed's a teacher in it. He teaches beginner Alchemy to elementary school students, and it is awesome. :3 A must-read! Also, I love the slow and steady progression of Roy and Ed's relationship... Plus, Ling in the sequel is pure awesome.

Fandom: Naruto
Title: In Your Best Interest http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3161586/1/In_Your_Best_Interest
Five times Kisame told Itachi, 'No,' and one time he didn't.

Why I love this fic: It made me love platonic Itachi/Kisame... and I didn't even like Kisame before I read this fic. Plus, blind!Itachi is always cool. :3 The writing in this piece is very straightforward, but it's almost poetic in its word choices, too. Gorgeous work.

Fandom: Naruto (yes, another one, because the first was just a one-shot)
Title: Nightengale http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3788074/1/Nightingale
Hyuuga Neji goes missing nin, which is more complicated than it sounds. Luckily the Uchiha brothers are experts in professional treachery and more than willing to give him tips...whether he wants them or not.

Why I love this fic: Hyuuga politics. Neji being awesome, and Hyuuga. Sound politcs. Uchiha Politics Hyuuga politics in conjunction with Sound politics and Uchiha politics. Also, Neji as a jounin-sensei = pure awesome. Plus, hurt-comfort. All around awesome. 
Note: this is the sequel to two other fics (both one-shots), found in the author's profile page. Read those too. :3

Fandom: Trigun
Title: Permanent and Forever http://www.fanfiction.net/s/416741/1/Permanent_and_Forever

Why I love this fic: Ah, my weakness for immortal characters shows through... I love it when author's emphasize Vash's plant side. And the angst associated with it.

Quote: “Vash, who was Holt McCoy?”

Fandom: Good Omens
Title: The Revenge of the Houseplants http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2334095/1/
FACT: Crowley’s houseplants have been suffering for years at the hands of their merciless master. QUESTION: What happens when Hastur offers them a chance to avenge their misery?

Why I love this fic: Wit just drips from this author's writing. Also, badass Aziraphale and hints of hurt-comfort.

Aaaand... my computer is being very slow, and it's hard to load up the links for you guys. D: I shall add to this list soon enough with a sequel post... :3 I'm actually surprised that I didn't post any crossovers... Well, my favourite genre is indeed "crossover", so I'll have to do a crossover reccomendation post soon...

Oh, and everyone, feel free to contest my choices by providing links to superior fanfiction! :D

good omens, , hikago, ナルト, fullmetal alchemist, trigun, invader zim, inuyasha, check this out omg, fanficcery

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