Most adventures begin at home. You don't really want them to, but they do anyway.

Jun 01, 2008 20:43

Most adventures begin at home. You don't really want them to, but they do anyway.
~ From the journal of Surka Aurelia Maxine Shrew, Nurk: The Strange, Surprising Adventures of a (Somewhat) Brave Shrew, By Ursula Vernon

Day: -1

In the last fifteen minutes, I've suddenly recalled a grand total of three things that I've forgotten to pack. D: I sincerely hope that that's the last of it. I'm not too worried, as it's not like I'm going to a third world country. I'm pretty sure that if I were to lose my suitcase, I could find (and replace) nearly everything in it in France (at an expense, of course). Well, I'd probably weep over my lost costume, which is irreplaceable, because it probably took me nearly a full week's worth of hours to make in the first place... D: I sincerely hope that I don't lose it...

At least I have my camera, it's charger, a plug adapter, my passport and my wallet all packed. I suppose that everything else is superfluous, really. ;)

Also, it occurred to me last week that I've never been away from my twin sister for longer than like, two days before. We don't talk as much as we used to, but the fact is that she's been like an extension of me for my entire life. Anywhere that I've gone - be it Québec, England, France, Japan or Maui - I've gone with her. And now I'm going to take the plunge and not only  be away from my dearest mother for a month and eight days, but I'll also be separated from "my other half". I'll miss you, Danielle dearest! ;_;

I got up at like 6:00 this morning to work a 7am shift (at Superstore); then,  I had to rush home to shower off the worse of the dirt from the garden centre before heading off to the dojo my little brother attends (he just got his blackbelt yesterday, by the way - everyone, congratulate him! :D ) to attend a ladies self defense class. Desa-sensei was awesome at giving us practical (if vicious) tips on how to fend off attackers. I am now just a little bit more paranoid than I was before, but a small dose of paranoia is helpful when travelling alone, right? Right?

Anyway, other than these few worries, I'm actually really excited to be going to France. :) My first flight leaves tomorrow at 13:15 from the Edmonton International Airport. Then, it's off to Toronto, and then... France! :D

oh those crazy french, empty fist aka karate, true north strong and free, superduperstore

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