God Bless Amreica

Feb 13, 2008 16:23

So, year twelve is pretty awesome. When I'm at school I feel fantastic. I understand my subjects, my teachers are pretty approachable, and a couple of them just a joy to listen to - Phelan (Literature) for her voice of an extremely excited child, and Duviani (Maths Methods) for her absolute happiness, all the time. However, her voice does go up at the end of every sentence. Sometimes in the middle of them too, but I can hack it.

Plus, I hear she is a huge Buffy fan. Score.

National Politics and Legal Studies are basically the same subjects for the next few weeks, so that's pretty awesome. But Marchant (Politics) loves giving hundreds of question, and never doing anything in class except making infuriating remarks. Same old same old, I guess.

But Legal is just ... awesome. Really very interesting, and great fun.

VE&T? My course (fashion) is really interesting, but most of the girls are quite ... one-minded. Not my kind of people. Today all they did was whine and grumble "omg I am SOOOOO craving for a cigarette" every ten minutes, looking at all of us with this really proud look on their faces. They felt sophisticated and superior, is all I can guess. Pathetic.

The Rudd Government apologised to the Indigenous community of past and present today. I didn't see it, because I had VE&T (although when I suggested listening to it on the radio, I was immediately shut down by a 10-4 majority. Ridiculous.), but apparently it was really moving. PM Rudd told the story of one of the members, who was in the audience. Very moving. And everyone turned their backs on Brandon Nelson when he started talking shit, which is always good.

Tommorrow I am going to the Teacher's Strike at Vodafone arena. I've never been to the meetings before, only the rally, so it's gonna be awesome. VIVA LA RESISTENCE.

OOH OOH in politics, we watched a doco on evangelists in America. Have you ever heard of Christian wrestling?? Neither had I, but apparently its all the rage in Christian-America. Wow.

Og, and Christian Comedians. Who preach, and then laugh about the double standards rife through America against Christianity, and then create their own.

God Bless America, for being so entertaining.

But apart from all these YAYZSCHOOLZ feelings I've been having, I feel incredibly sick physically. Like I've been all drained out, I have no energy left, and while my brain is sprinting 100 ks an hour, my eyes are burning under the weight of my lids, and my throat is thick with all the tension at home.

We're moving back into the house we spent the last year renevating, and my mother managed to drop the keys, and then the builder built the little verandah over it. Oh, and my Dad has a 1 in 4 chance of having cancer, we find out soon. And we all keep calling everying 'bitch' in a 'joking and loving and family' way, which we've done for a while, but I'm sick of it, but I can't stop. I have anger issues.

Perhaps watching so much Black Books isn't actually helping.

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