Stolen from blushingblaze: OTP Meme

May 01, 2008 17:09

Six Ships You Like
1. Jim/Pam (Office)
2. Jack/Kate (LOST)
3. Kate/Sun (LOST)
4. Meredith/Cristina (GA)
5. Claire/Sawyer (LOST)
6. Buffy/Angel (BtVS/AtS)

Three Ships You Liked, But Don't Anymore
7. Addison/Mark (GA)
8. Michael/Jan (Office)
9. Cameron/Chase (House)

Three Ships In Your Various Fandoms, That You Can't Stand
10. Karen/Jim (Office)
11. Jack/Ana (LOST)
12. Booth/Cam (Bones)

Two Ships You're Curious About, But Haven't Actually Started Shipping
13. Jack/Sawyer (LOST)
14. House/Cuddy (House)

1.) Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Jack/Ana)
Arrrg. At the time I didn't like her AT ALL. And the "male uses convenient female to work through heartache" plot pissed me off.

2.) Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Jack/Sawyer)


3.) What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (even if the show isn't on the air anymore)? (Kate/Sun)
LOL. ILU crack femslash pairing. Umm... In flashforwards, Sun moves back to the states with her daughter, moves in with Kate in her garganto house and one thing leads to another...

4.) Which is your favorite episode for #1? (Jim/Pam)
Either Drug Testing or Money.

5.) How long have you been following couple #6? (Buffy/Angel)
Since I first saw pre-S4 episodes. I didn't watch them in order (I actually have no recollection of seeing any epsidoes except The Body for the first time, I just know I've seen them all) so I guess I acquired the Bangel ship sometime in there.

6.) What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Michael/Jan)
 It got sad, rather than funny. First Michael was too crazy for Jan, then they kind of leveled off, and now Jan is too crazy for Michael. Who wouldda thunk it?

7.) Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Jack/Kate or Meredith/Cristina)
Jate for life bitches. I only take my femslash love so far.

8) If you have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Karen/Jim or Booth/Cam)
Well they're both kinda a non-issue now so... POOF! I have magical powers.

9.) What interests you about #14? (House/Cuddy)
They have kickass banter. Even though I'm really a House/Wilson shipper, I can see the cannon possibilities.

10.) When did you stop liking #7? (Mark/Addison)
When Mark realized Addison didn't want him any more after she slept with Alex.

11.) Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Chase/Cam)
Nah. They conveniently faded into the background around the same time, so it doesn't really matter anymore.

12.) What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Claire/Sawyer)
 Oh god. I was just flipping through my iTunes and "Sociopath" by Anya Marina popped out, so I'll go with that.

13.) Which of these ships do you love the most?
Don't make me choose between my loves. That's just cruel.

14.) Which do you dislike the most?

16.) Have #2 kissed yet? (Jack/Kate)
YES, like, two seasons ago. One kiss and an ILU.

17.) Did #4 have a happy ending? (Meredith/Cristina)
I predict with my crystal ball... that the show will end... Meredith will be with McDreamy... and these two will still be friends. Add tequilla, maybe more.

18.) What would make you start shipping #13? (Jack/Sawyer)
SOME CONTACT THIS SEASON. AT ALL. Even as a non-shipper, this is pissing me off.

19.) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Jack/Kate or Buffy/Angel)
Gotta go with the Jate on this one.

20.) You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Karen/Jim)
Jim marries Pam, they both leave DM to have their own careers doing things they love and they have many babies. Karen (since, despite my previous feelings, I actually like now) finds happiness. Somehow. And they have another awkward run-in. Because Branch Wars was just TOO FUN.

lj: meme, tv: lost, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: the office

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