you can have my absence of faith[you can have my everything](edward/tanya) r

Aug 17, 2009 13:41

title: you can have my absence of faith (you can have my everything)
fandom: twilight
character(s)/pairing(s): edward/tanya
rating: r
word count: 291
spoilers: none.
author's note: title from nine inch nail's "closer", which has always reminded me of these two.

summary: he’d be so much fun to complicate, to soil.  

Tanya’s tongue laps out to catch the last drop of blood from the deer’s wound, her eyes meeting his through a web of antlers.

His fingers splayed wide across her hip, hoisting her closer to where she really needs him.

“Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

He might as well have egged her on.

Eyes dark with something other than bloodlust. It’s a wonder the wall doesn’t collapse in a fit of plaster and wires when as he shoves her against it.

“Stop… thinking.”

Her smirk is merciless.

“Well that’s a tall order.”

Her underwear would be ripped in two if she were wearing any. His fingers meet no resistance and this time there is dust as she slams her head back.

“You have to be more…” her hand presses into his chest, lips hovering at the crook of his neck, barely grazing his ear. “…specific.”

She can picture it now, and she doesn’t bother hiding her thoughts.

He’d be so much fun to complicate, to soil. She could muss up his perfectly pristine record, his mind virgin by anything but proxy. It isn’t God that he clings to (she’d had her fair share of those and they aren’t too difficult to tarnish), but something far more ingrained. Everything about him reeks challenge. She smiles wickedly.

“But we could have so much fun, Edward. Don’t you want me?”

His eyes are lidded as he nods.

He hisses as he enters her, rough, but shallow at first, so her legs wrap tighter around his hips and-

He’s gone before her thoughts can continue and she hears the rush of air as he runs from her, fast. She laughs, loud enough so even his cowardice can make out the mocking sound.

“I can be patient.”

!fic: twilight, twilight fic: pairing: edward/tanya, !fic: all fandoms, twilight fic: character: tanya, twilight fic: character: edward

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