Press Rewind. 4/?

Nov 29, 2009 00:01

Title: Press Rewind
Chapter Title: Sometimes I go crazy like I'm crazy. It takes patience, then it's over.
Author: bebiehqurl
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: onesided Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat, Jack Barakat/Martin Johnson [more to come]
POV: Third, Alex-centric.
Summary: "Alex knew he finally had to tell him. Either he told him or he'd never be able to move on. There wasn't a chance in hell that Jack felt the same way about him."
Disclaimer: I don’t own anybody mentioned in the story. This is entirely fictional. Title credit: Boys Like Girls - She’s Got A Boyfriend Now. Chapter title credit: Scars on Broadway - World Long Gone.
Beta: passiontothesky
Author's Notes: Sorry for my horrible posting schedule. I'll try to get better...
Previous Chapters: one. two. three.

On Monday Alex went back to school. He felt better than before and decided to spend as little time as possible with Jack and Martin, as well as thoughts about either of the two. He went into the building and made his way to his locker.

Jack’s locker was directly next to Alex’s. As Alex came closer he spotted Jack standing in front of them.

Guess who’s also there… Surprise! And I actually thought that there might be a possibility for me to not run into them again. Or, at least not this early. No such luck, I guess.

Just as Alex finally arrived at the lockers, Martin broke the kiss, whispered something into Jack’s ear and then left. Neither of the two had seen Alex. Jack had a huge smile on his face, turned to his locker and then finally saw Alex.

“Uh. Alex. You’re… uhm, doing better?”

“Yeah. Kind of.”

“See. I - I wanted to tell you before, but I figured that Saturday wasn’t the best time for it, soooo…” He gestured to the general direction that Martin went.

“Yeah. I already kind of figured it out.”

“Uh? How?”

“Martin tried to tell me last Monday. He didn’t really manage to actually say it, but… Well.”

Jack kept grinning and Alex quickly turned to his locker.


“Mm?” He answered and pretended to be busy searching something.

“Listen, I - First off, I wanna apologize. I’ve been kind of a dick to you over the last week… I’m sorry.”

Alex didn’t respond.

A little confused, Jack continued: “And then I wanna thank you. For - like - telling me about what Martin told you. ‘Cause… I don’t know. I guess I never would have had the guts to tell him.”
Sure…” Alex pressed out bitterly.

“You’re… still mad at me…?” Jack said, unsure.

“Never been. Why do you think so?”

“Just a feeling… I guess. Well, never mind. Uhm, how about we hang this Friday?”

Alex slammed the locker door shut after he got a few books out of it.

“Don’t know yet.”

Then he quickly left, before Jack could say anything.

Alex somehow managed to avoid Jack for the rest of the day.

At home, he found a note from his Mom, telling him that she was over at a friend’s house and if he needed anything, he should just give her a call.

“Pfft, as if I still was a little kid…”

He heard his phone ringing.

“Alex? Hi. This is Rian.”

“I almost could’ve guessed” Alex answered, rolling his eyes.

“Stop doing that. I know you think I wouldn’t notice, because I can’t see your face, but I know when you’re doing it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know what I mean. - Anyways, the reason why I called: Seriously, stop being a bitch to Jack.”

Alex sighed.

“Alex. If you don’t want to tell him what you feel for him, at least don’t be mad at him. He’s feeling really miserable, because he just doesn’t know what he did to piss you off. I mean - I understand that you don’t wanna hang with him all day long but please be fair to him. He doesn’t deserve to be treated like that, no matter who he is going out with.”

Alex sighed again. “You’re right. I… I’ll apologize to him. It’s just… I don’t know… Never mind. I’ll talk to him.”



“Good. You… didn’t figure out when to tell him yet, I suppose?”

“Uhm. No. Not really. But I might give it a shot this Friday. I’m… not sure, though.”

“You can do this… Listen, I gotta hang up. Talk to you later, alright?”

“Yeah. Bye.”

Ten minutes later, Alex left the house and walked over to Jack’s place. He usually would have driven there, but he wanted to take the time to think about what he’d tell Jack. When he looked up from the ground he was surprised that he already reached his destination.

He made his way to the front door and rang the door bell.

After a few moments of silence he heard foot steps coming down the stairway and then Jack opened the door.


“Jack listen, I’m sorry. I was an ass today… Well, actually I was an ass to you for the past week or so. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to and I haven’t had a reason or a right to be.”

The confused look on Jack’s face was replaced with a big smile when Alex finished his short speech.

“Thank God. I thought I did something horribly wrong like missing your birthday or something, but I just couldn’t figure out anything.”

“I’m really sorry”, Alex repeated.

"It's cool, Alex. I'm just glad that we got this out of the world."

"Yeah, me too."

Then Alex suddenly heard foot steps coming down the stairs and Martin appeared behind Jack.

"Oh! Hi, Alex! What are you doing here?"

"I, um, apologized to Jack. Because I was an asshole. And um. Yeah. See, um, I gotta leave. My mom told me to get groceries before she comes home and I think I'm really behind on my schedule right now. And yeah."

"Um, yeah, sure. Like... Do you want me to drive you to the store? Because it'll take forever until you're there by foot", Jack offered kindly.

"No... No thanks. I'll make it on my own. I-I don't wanna interrupt anything. See you tomorrow, yes?"

"Yeah sure."

Alex quickly turned away and left the estate as fast as he possibly could.

On his way back home he - again - didn't pay any attention to the route he went. Lost in thoughts he stared at the ground and walked home.

God. My life is a nightmare. It's just not fair.

Alex was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that there also were other people besides him on the street and he bumped into someone, causing both of them to stumble backwards and a coffee cup from the local coffee shop to fall down and spill its content all over the ground. As if that wasn't already bad enough, the hot, brown liquid also made its way on the other guy’s pants and shoes. Alex looked up, to see who he just ran into. And whose white pants and expensive shoes he just ruined.

"Shit. I'm sorry." The other one said.

"No, dude. I'm sorry. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention and... Wait. You're Gabe, right? Gabe Saporta?"

martin johnson, alex gaskarth, fiction, gabe saporta, slash, all time low, jack barakat

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