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Aug 16, 2005 13:42

Sunday night sucked untill we went out to eat with a few friends, cody, lauren, sam, and ben.We had a blast. Unfortunatly we ate a toco bell and last year the day b 4 the last day of school i ate there and got food poisioning and had to miss my last day of 11th grade. Well guess what, i got it again. I was throwing up really bad and had diherria lol gross i know. Well it got better and i had a good night sleep. When i woke up i got into the shower and then passsed out. When i woke up from that the water was still on ,my back was in the spiket thingy,i was laying down and everything was spinning. I started to freak and my mom ran in and started freakin out too. I was really scared, i didnt know what was going on. She helped me up and got me some towels and she said that there was a huge gash on my back. It hurts reallly bad and its really big like all the way across my sholders.well i got to stay home again but i needed to go to school and get my work and so i went for the last 30 min. well in my class the air was out and it was so freakin hot. i got dissy again and called my mom and she checked me out. I dont know whats wrong with me. im going to try to go to school tomorrow though. I hope i turn out all right lol. Well keep me in ur prayers.
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