
May 07, 2008 20:21

wow, i haven't posted since summer 07.
i guess it's because lately, i've been having issues letting go.
2007 in general, was the best year for me, i worked really hard,
and i got what i deserved. it made me stronger and a better person.
its so hard to go into summer 08 when i can't let go.
thing is, i dont think i will ever let go.

Well, anyways aside from that depressing paragraph,
i'm going to post ;

- self reminders

-something of v6  =)

self reminders ;

Exams; less than a month to study,
ahh their hard, and tedeious, oh lord
i should start cramming.

Assignments; overload on homework people !
geeze, i will never catch up, but i will work super hard
and hopefully pass.

Tests; oh god study study study.

Studying in general ; =(


alright, v6 post, kk, so i'm gonna blast to the past,
once again they work hard, and release so many things so fast,
unfourtunately i'm working, and studying, rarely on the computer.
i want to thankyou in advance for posts to the communities and all the members,
it helps me catch up and know whats going on in the world of V6, since
there are no v6 items or anything, in Alberta. AHHHHH >.<
so thankyou very much and i will try to contribute when i'm free.
blast to the past !

PS question; still new..um
how do i post a picture on my entry?

self reminders, v6

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