ha, it's been a pretty crazy week and it's not even hump day yet. Sunday night was interesting, odd, and mind altering simultaniously. It's ironic that the last person yoo never expected to help yoo see outside yourself is the one person who does. The only thing left to do is to take the revelations and handle them. It's just funny that yoo can think yoo're not being naive simply because this one person seems infallible in yoor eyes. It's only when yoo step outside of yourself and view yoor thoughts and ideas about that "infallible" person in a different light that yoo realize so many things, things that were there all along that yoo knew were there but simply didn't want to confront or admit. So it's only a matter of time before things fall into place...
I'm feeling hoarse from yelling so much. People need to raise their children better. I'll leave it at that. It was hella funny to see really chill, calm people get up and start raising hell though. A lot of the people I know are being conceited, selfish, and uncaring. It's annoying, and its rude. I don't even wanna call some of the people "friends" because their behavior makes them nothing more than an acquaintance. There's so much going on and it's almost overwhelming. I just know that a lot of changes are going to happen at one time, but it's for the best and that's what's most important. The number one pet peeve right now is people constantly copying my work. Learn. to. do. your. own. fucking. work. It's really not that hard...but obviously some people are too lazy to make an effort to do the most menial task. Hella chill with me though when they're working some shitty, dead-end minimum wage job for the rest of their life. ha, I just love how my parents are so wrapped up in themselves and this whole issue of divorce. blah blah blah blah blah. I know I may be naive about a lot of things, but I'm not stupid. Adults may claim to have wisdom and all that other blah-blah-bullshit but they can't even do something as simple as getting along with the person that they vowed to spend the rest of their life with. bleh. I'm done ranting now...
on a totally random note, i think
this guy is really friggin' hot, especially with those piercings. yum.