
May 25, 2004 19:54

YAY! I am soooooooooo happy! I am free from that bitch allie!!!! yay!!!!!! :) I don't ever know why I was EVER friends with her. eeewww Ok. Enough with her, she's not worth my time.

Today was exhausting! I went bike riding with ash and chelsey all the way down to starbucks and the park, then came home, but on our way home ash's bike broke so we had to push it the whole way and the wheels didn't move so it was EXTREMELY exhausting, I let ash take my bike most of the way, and I went back and helped her with it. :) THEN ash and I walked to the community center and went swimming and these perverts wouldn't leave us alone! Then, we walked home, relaxed a little and then I went jogging with Chelsey ALL the way back to the community center with chelsey and then went back to ash's. Ash made dinner and we ate and then I had to ride all uphill to my house on my bike!! Geez! I am exhausted! I think I might fall asleep right now. :(

On sunday, we are all goingo "clubbing". yay! It's going to be fun. I am going to be bored ALL summer but I have p.e. summer school and i am going to california and new york! yay! I am excited. :) hehe

g2g, probably to bed. <3 xoxo
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