
Jun 25, 2003 08:55

Its soo hott! Today i heard that it got to 101º. Thats realllyyyyy hott dude! lol

Last night I slept at emilys with ally serio. It was pretty fun. We woke up at about 1130 and had some cookie doe for breakfast ;) lol then we walked over to my dads house and went swimming. At 2 em and ally went back to emilys house and i chilled at my dads with cassie danielle hubbard and tiffany. At 3:15 missy took me and meg to dunkin donuts and we got ice coffees. YuMm. Then we picked up sam and went back to my dads house. Me and meg got in her car and everyone else got into missys. Me and meg picked up nicole mello and then we went to orientation for the recital.

It started at 4 and we got home at 615 ( not that bad ). We did the opening like a million freaking times though. And the finale once or twice. Tomorrows dress rehersal...blahhh Im not excited at all this year for the recital..oh well

I came home at around 7 and emily and jess hoyle came over. We sat by the pool for like 20 minutes and then they had to go since it was almost 8 and they had to be home. So they left and I tried on my costumes to show my mom. Hehe.

Hmm .. i just found out heathers having a party thing on the 4th of july and i wasnt invited .. interesting lol. But .. we're best friends right ;) ( o.O )

Anywaysss---Ugh this heat is so asdlfkjas lol. Its making me tired for some reason. I dont like this mon. lol

Alright well im gonna go
<3 Ali *
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