
Jun 13, 2003 18:00

Oh man .. this town amuses me! Get this -
Wednesday was field day .. and since i hate gym and field day is basically a day of gym .. i stayed home. I had cassie heather and jillian over. We ended up meeting with louie and we walked around all day. Then my sister picked us up and brought us back to my house and then she went back to my dads with cassie. Heather left after like a half an hour, and me jill and louie watched jackass and abandon until my mom got home.
My mom just came downstairs and said 'alisn - how many people did you have over on wednesday?' and i said *cassie, heather, jill and louie..why* and she told me that ron ( my stepfather ) has a friend named lisa or something. And lisa's son chad hangs out with louies step brother. So i guess louies step brother told chad that i had a party because he probably exaggerated what louie did all day since he hung out with 4 girls ( lol ) and so chad told his mom and his mom told ron and my mom that i 'skipped school and had a huge house party with a wicked lot of people here'
So now my having a few friends over and hanging out with people for 1 day turns into i have huge house parties and skip school. lol. This is why i HATE this town. I cant even have friends over without people making lies. Sheesh!

Anyways..i had dance today at 330 because we had to do line ups and stuff for the finale and opening. So i was there from 330 until 530. Ugh. That sucked!

Im going to the movies tonight with cassie, colin, and priscilla. We're seeing DUMB AND DUMBERER!! I am sooooooooooooo excited!! I am totally in love with dumb and dumber .. and the 2nd one is going to be awesome. ( I hope ) lol

Last night was more drama..

On tuesday night when heather and jill and cassie slept over .. me jill and heather were talking to jills grandmother ( who was on jillians sn ) on my sn and saying like really bad stuff like 'fuck you !!' and 'Jill go eaten out by a girl and gave someone head!!' and jillian was right here when we did it .. and she was laughing saying -I hate my grandmother .. this is wicked funny!-
Come to find out .. her grandmother called her mom and gave her my sn and told her everything that was said. So her mom traced my sn online and found out it was me. Then she found out it was me heather and jillian. So she like flipped. Jill asked her not to get me and heather in trouble and not to call our parents .. so jillians mom said that she would have to get really punished if she wanted to save our asses.
Now .. i told my mom the story and im punished already - and heather said that when she tells her mom the story today she will be punished too. Jillian is also getting punished yet her mothers punishments are much more severe then ours. Her mom deleted her AOL account last night, took her computer out of her room, banned her from the computer in the living room, and shes grounded for like a month. Now dont get me wrong .. i feel bad for the girl .. but jillian is trying to make it seem like its me and haethers fault that all that happened. Her mom said last night that if me, my mom - and heather and her mom went to jills grandmothers house and appoligized with our mothers standing there and shit .. then jillian wouldnt get into so much trouble.
Me and heather didnt want to go to her grandmothers house though .. and neither did our moms! So now jills saying its our fault shes punished like that and bla bla bla. But i mean .. me and heather are already getting punished .. and so its not really our fault that her mom is gay and punishes her more severely .. is it?
I dno .. lemme know what you think about this and comment :o)

I was bored last night and i wrote this poem about the last day of school since its tuesday .. tell me what you think !
The end of school is coming - summers almost here
Friends and teachers that we had - moments we held dear
We'll think about the years before - when we had all just met
And all the fun times that we've had - and moments we regret

Jr High will be done with - And high schools on its way
Some will stay together next year - others will move away
The thoughts of our friends leaving - Just hasnt hit us yet
Our friends that we've grown up with - That we never thought we could forget
Would leave us now forever - And we'll try to keep in touch
But the reality is we'll eventually forget - And not think about them much

I never thought i'd find you all - and we'd become this close
The non-stop laughter and partying that ill remember most
How can i just say goodbye - to all the times we've had
We've all had our good times together - and we've had our bad

Finally the day has come - its time to say goodbye
And as we hug our friends so tight - The tears form in our eyes
"I'll miss you so much .." We tell eachother as we begin to cry
Asking "Lets stay close next year..Stay friends, ya know? ..Please try.."

First period is so quiet - as the thoughts fill all our heads
Of all the fun times that we've had - funny things we've said
Second periods just a blur - I cant quite get it right
People who were so fun to see - Now made my cry at sight
Third period is different - We all just sit and chat
As if tomorrow it'd all be the same - We'd all be coming back
But fourth and fifth we notice - That things wont be the same
That new friendships will be made and everyone will change
Lunch is long and sad - As we sit there one last time
Last time we'll see those people waiting hungrily in line
Sixth period flew by as we talked about our lives
Our plans for the years to come and our sadness in goodbyes
Last period was heart-renching - We all cried and hugged tight
My head was spinning in heartbreak - Our past was out of sight

Our future was now clearer as 2:30 came to view
That Jr High's no longer, next year will all be new
Getting on the bus we waved - then sighed and looked away
Now middle school is done with - and high schools here to stay

I thought it was cute :o) I was REALLY bored lol as you can probably tell. Well .. i have to go finish dinner and get ready some more for the movies.
<3 Ali *
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