Yeah. See those?? Those are all the college brochures Scott, my parents, and I picked up at the "college fair" we went to today at Woodbury. Wow, I'm really glad I went to that thing. I was able to find out information about some of the colleges I'm interested in and which ones would be the best places for me to go. I was interested in the schools that would offer a good nursing program, are close to my house, and basically weren't...shit. I talked the most to a CSUN rep [which is NOT becoming a UC by the way..that's a rumor], a rep from Cal-State LA[who was really cool & told me all about their great nursing program, but she talked like she was in the army], and a rep from Mount St. Mary's[who mentioned that they have one of the best nursing programs in the country and the school itself is rated one of the best in the West]. So can anyone see which one I'm really leaning to? I would love to go to CSUN but they don't really offer much of nursing, and CSLA is a school I'd never even heard of[maybe cause I live under a rock,I don't know] and I was not convinced nor interested in going there, and of course I'd love to go to a UC but the only one that offers a nursing program is UCLA and it's so difficult to get in there....soo as I've been feeling for a little bit now, I was really interested in Mount St. Mary's and now,after today, I totally want to go there even more. Funny how I'd never heard of it before,but it's great cause it is rated as one of the best. It's private and close to my house and I asked the representative what are the requirements to get in and she said that they don't look at the GPA as much, but in the "overall person" or "overall high school experience." That is good for me because I've been joining clubs, I've been in tennis all 4 years and have gotten 2 MVP awards and was captain, and I went to a COC class and all that other "well rounded" stuff they tell you to do in high school. So Scott and I were really excited and he kept telling me that I could totally get in there.
So, we'll see. I'm still going to apply everywhere and look at other colleges just to keep an open view on this. My parents went around picking up extra brochures from all the different colleges there, so I came home with that huge pile of them[the picture doesn't really give it justice because the pile is bigger than it looks in the pic], and I'll sort through them and apply to all these different places when it comes time...but I would really love to go to St. Mary's. It's the best one for nursing and schooling that I can feel I can get accepted to. But we'll see how everything goes with applying in a couple months and where I'll be accepted. I feel really excited right now and just content. It was fun...anyone want a brochure?? I got over a dozen.
Scott surprised me this morning by coming down early to see me without me knowing. He's such a sweetheart<3<3 It was a busy day with the college fair and then having to do some errands. We had to pick up my little cousin Katherine and then we brought Bella to get her nails clipped and had to buy fish food for my dad's fish[ha]. We rented "Amityville Horror" which I had seen at Elise's slumber party in the 4th grade and was scared of, but when I saw it again today after 8 years..I was only left confused. Oh well. Things are definitely different when you're 9 and when you're 17. Anyway...everything was so good and before he left he gave me the sweetest goodbye kisses you can imagine. Then once again before he drove off, he called me to his car and I came running down the driveway and he kissed me and held me and ran his fingers through my hair saying, "I love you so much Pamela, please don't ever forget it." <3<3<3 I'm so deeply in love with him,it's amazing.
So the whole day was just busy and filled with stuff to do but it was great.[Karlikaka,I'm sorry I wasn't able to see you, the day was just so busy.I'm glad you were able to go with your other plans,I hope you had fun =) I miss you & I'll call you tomorrow]. Tomorrow I need to stop by the library and then quickly write that big English essay due on Monday. Blah. But that's okay, I'm still a happy girl. And I just took some
new pictures, so go
see them if you want. I'm a sleepyhead now & I'm starting to talk rambly again.
Buh bye.