dog party
sf with family
aunt's bday
joyce camwhoring
my bday
bday party
jason's bday
went to cabo in june
early in the morning
at some plaza place thing.
in front of our hotel it was the beach. and people went fishing there. it was interesting.
we went horsebackriding. my dad said that his butt split into two after we got back. he couldn't walk lol :]
i was in the back. and my horse got really weird. it didn't follow the guide person and just went off to the side. and then all the other horses followed my horse and not the guide.
second day we went snorkeling.
these were pictures before my brother and i got sick.
afterwards. i threw up. prettygross.
then ATV<333 so fun
getting ready and stuff. we all look like bandits. kinda.
at hotel
there were three yorkshires, one lhasa apso, one west highland terrier
mini and cooper are my mom friend's dog. a lhasa and a yorkie. her yorkie is the size of a baby bear. and he weighs twice as much as yuki, and yuki is his sister. weird family genes.
meeko[not shown] is yuki's stepbrother and is tiny
dodo is yuki's godbrother. and he's so cute and very funny. gets scared easily
yuki loved dodo[westie] the most. she followed him everywhere
yuki with her godmother Aunt Patty
the bigger black dog is cooper. he tried to smell every single dog't butt. and they all didn't like him.
and then he got into trouble cause he went out the gates.
mini, the lhasa apso was so quiet. she was really cute. and big.
relatives came to went to sf
notice i'm standing on the step. and i'm still not taller than my dad-_-
aunt's bday
joyce camwhoring. while i was doing hw
my bday.
went out with nikola to take excel pictures
[picture stolen from niko]
bday party
jason's bday party
played waterballons.
went to la.
slept most of the time.
yesterday went picnic-ing with christina and niko
our food.
our drink that we made. with leftover juice, strawberries, and pineapples
nikola had a work out yesterday since only her camera had a timer thing lol :]
sorry :D
okay end of pictures.