May 07, 2005 16:31
last night was "super" as joely would put it. we had so much fun. i went 2 sofijas house 1st & she cut lui's hair...i love their family, they're the best. then out 2 dinner & i say hitch, i think it was better the 2nd time though (ha). im suppose 2 be getting ready 4 the cypress' military ball.. i really dont wanna go, im ubber tired & grumpy. my mom says im being "pissy" w.e. the heck that is. haha she cracks me up when she's trying to be hard, shes like "ur on the verge of being grounded"..haha i dont remember the last time she followed through w/ grounding me-gotta love her though! some people are soo nosey-not to say any names-its ANNOYING!!!!! ok well im just being mean right now so thats all 4 now, i wish i culdve gone 2 the beach today :( but look @ the bright side its not cold outside nemore whoot whoo