Sep 22, 2013 12:35
I've finally finished writing my psychological 'study' piece, Plight-Trothed Bride and it feels GREAT!
It's been a long exploration for me, taking two people who were at opposing places in their lives, at opposing perspectives to being thrown together and magically Bonded. With all the past hurts and changing perspectives, (it seemed to take them forever to be in sync with each other regarding the relationship) I have finally completed the story and I'm really happy with the way it all came together.
It's fully written.
Now... the slow part, I need help getting it finished fro posting. I need a Beta.
I've had it Brit-checked.
I've proof read it a few times (not that I'm perfect)
SO I need to have it combed through for errant commas and such.
Besides that, it's done!