Are we there yet?

Aug 29, 2007 00:01

Happy Birthday to
greyman!  You were born a bit late to be a better person (aka a Leo) but you are ok, I guess.  :)

It is officially Wednesday!  I work half a today and after my 2:00 meeting, I'll walk over to the Hyatt and make sure 219 is situated for the Photo Staff.  Getting the tables the way we like it, making sure that nobody snarfs up all of the good comfy chairs, pre-running network cables for us and the Daily Dragon & Signage computers.  All that good stuff.  Thankfully, I'll be off work till NEXT Wednesday.  :)

Last year the 10/100 switch I used for the Daily Dragon/Signage computers had issues.  It had to be rebooted a few times.  Dunno what the deal was, as it never happened when I was around.  Makes me think that some twit was plugging something else up or unplugging something.  The PCs are given statically defined IP addresses, as they are networked to themselves.  I'm sure some twit thought plugging into it would get them on the net.  Meh.  I've got a large 10 MB industrial hub that I'll bring this year.  Maybe it'll be more stable for them.  The Photo Staff computers will not be connected to them.

Got to get my 'kit' ready for the rent-a-wreck PCs that they get.  2 years ago they were infested with a nasty virus, didn't have office or anything else.  Of course, we've been told that wouldn't be an issue.  *Snicker*  I've been lied to before, people! to disable a few things on this PC for the Photo Staff login and maybe kill some stuff in HL2.  Better I do it virtually than in real life.  :)

p.s. Shout out if I'm supposed to remember to bring something to the con, people.  Software, hardware, etc. 
piraterogue I am bringing the tv episodes you had mentioned at RenFest.  Bring DVD media or USB/Firewire hard drives.


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