[#19] Tutorial 2- Jate coloring

Apr 04, 2007 18:31


Quite a few people asked me about this coloring, so I decided to basically show you how I did it :)

We will be going from


Step 1: Duplicate your base twice (this cap was very dark, so you may only need one depending on lighting) and set them both to Screen.

Step 2: Create a new selective color layer with the following settings:

REDS: -45,13,40,20
YELLOWS: 26,100,62,-41
NEUTRALS: 24,-6,-4,-12
BLACKS: All +100

Other examples (with slight variations):

Please note: This tutorial does not work with everything. It works very well with Lost caps, and others with lots of green in them.

Let me know what you think! I'd love to see your results!

resources: tutorial

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