Jan 15, 2006 21:56
so this weekend i went to orlando and met jessie, shannon, and her gf ivette there. jessie and shannon had a softball tourney. it was fucking freezing. last night was ridic. we went to southern nights. as jessie put it, we were like "butchers in a meat market". then we went back to the hotel for some partying. i had a great time. i really consider jessie one of my best friends, simply because we probably have the best time ever together and she always makes me laugh. to quote her again... " we have a weird relationship... ive never had a friend like you. it's good weird though." or something like that. i think we would probably be together if we didnt both like being single, lived in the same place, and werent really good friends. oh well... great times with jessie as always. im gonna miss her til i get to see her again...