
Jan 06, 2006 20:06

so tomorrow i am going back to tally for school after this much needed break. and what a great break it was! it was awesome seeing all my old buddies. i had a great christmas/ new year. new year was spent at nat's with all my high school friends. almost got caught with pot by nat's step mom... it was kinda crazy. i met a cool and very hot girl at chambers and hung out with her a couple times. zak stayed with me for a lot of the break and surprisingly we didnt fight at all. talked to jessie again for the first time in 1928371893276 years and we're back to our old retarded selfs right off the bat. might see kk tonight if she decides to actually be a friend and hang out with me. it will be a shocker if she comes. she probably wont. hopefully i will see ilana, the forementioned cool/ hot girl, as she is supposed to be there for her b-day. ok, csi is on and im convining kk to come out. so... bye.
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