
May 16, 2004 20:05

1. I'm not one for playing anything you're good at, but I can guarantee you I'm almost definitely worse than you at just about anything. Except maybe Mario Kart. I'll wax your ass at Mario Kart. Otherwise, consider me your personal punching bag. (Except not literally, cause you probably hit harder than me, too.)
2. Normally, I hold back from IMing/calling you as much as I'd like, because I don't want to turn into raving stupid otaku girl that won't leave you the fuck alone. And despite your most wishful thinking loudest assertations, I am, in fact, straight, so maybe I can't fix 'ignored' in the sense that you mean it. But I'll damn well pay some attention to you.
3. If I do, in fact, end up with some form of income over the summer (or just decide to empty out the rest of my bank account for no good reason), there's a slight chance I will randomly buy a plane ticket to a city with Clay Aiken in it. You're invited.
4. A world with infinite cats in it can't be that bad, right?
5. I think I've tried to tell you before but I'm not sure how well I did at it... the fact that you're at times needy is good for me. I've spent most of my life being the wallflower, just there for the sake of being somewhere, everyone liked me while I was around and forgot me when I wasn't. You're one of the few people whose friendship has started to make me believe otherwise. I've been told and like to think that I'm good at listening and helping with problems; but even if I'm not, the fact that you come to me with them does more for my self-worth than any amount of nice things you could ever actually say. If you're needy, then I guess I need to be needed; and it works out rather nicely for both of us.

I was gonna write 10, but frankly I'm too distracted to come up with anything else amusing. I might come up with five more later.
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