An underwriter remittance check, dated in 2005, found it's way into my work pile today. It needed to be mailed out, but obviously it was void (there's this little bit under the signature line that says something along the lines of void after 180 days) and should have been re-cut. Well, Head Twat marked through the old date in blue pen and hand wrote "Today's Date" above it.
Pre Heineken Keg Can: Oh my silly boss and her dingbat ways.
The Boyperson started sending me text messages about me cutting off his flesh tube in order to save humanity. Uhhh, I will not be taking part in this delusional (and no doubt drug induced) project. I'm quite fine with him raining apocalyptic piss all over the world. A fresh start never did any harm.
Post Heineken Keg Can: I'm gonna slug my boss in the head whilst singing the theme song for Reading Rainbow (chug-a-lug Donna...[sigh]).
Watch out kids, you can be gored by a
deer and that's just embarrassing.