(no subject)

Nov 07, 2010 20:24

Full Name: Georgiana "Georgette" Foxworth
Nickname(s): Georgia, Georgette (its her STAGE name. )

Age: 17
Year: Senior
Canon: Oliver and Company
Counterpart: Georgette

Brief History: Georgia decided at a very young age that she wanted to go by the name 'Georgette,' to the point that she threw fits when her parents called her by her real name instead. She very much had the only child syndrome, and grew up rather spoiled, since she was practically given whatever she wanted. It helped that her parents were quite wealthy, too, and could afford to give her all the luxuries her heart desired. She began modeling in child beauty pageants, winning many awards and becoming very competitive. There were also dance recitals, acting and ballet classes and productions, and even some singing lessons (although she's really only a self-proclaimed singer: music is not her strong point.) Life was going perfectly for the young beauty, until everything came to a sudden halt in her early teenage years.

Her parents had decided to adopt a boy.

Oliver was a few years younger than Georgette, and really no more than a child when he was brought in. Wide-eyed, innocent, and disgustingly adorable, he annoyed her to no end. She didn't want him around, and for a while, she did her best to get rid of him. Begging and pleading didn't help her case with the parents, so she even went so far as to try and get him kidnapped by an old gang of misfits who had taken him in before he was adopted. In the end, she realized she was stuck with him, and she accepted her cruel fate. Truthfully, they get along well enough now, and she'll even be nice to him - usually when there's no one else around, of course. Deep inside, she feels somewhat protective of her little adopted brother, even if she continues to boss him around.

A senior in school, Georgette is very convinced she has a fan club of guys who want her, and girls who want to be her. She's obsessed with her looks, and continues modeling, dancing and acting on the side.

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