Mar 16, 2005 18:55
Alright so it is 7 pm and I am so far at 425 calories for the day. I am about to snack on my sesame rye crisps and then go work out. Yah I am a failure. I didnt go earlier because...doesnt matter why not. I just didnt go. So that means 2 hours tonight. Grr. Well my hour cardio wont be so bad because I will be watching AMerica's Next top Model on the TV and hating myself in the process. Grr. But it will make me work SOO hard. IT is just the squats and stuff I gotta do today. I know Lana is calling me wanting to go out tonight but I thought about it and I am not going to go. I dont think i am at the point yet wehere I should go out and deal with the temptations of drinking and shit. I will just stay home and cuddle with me babY ;o) I love him <3
I weighed the same this morning, which sucked but I will be smaller tomorrow. I just know it. I feel it. As long as I dont mess up. I have been doing great not NIght eating. I am proud.