Ah friday night! What time I had with Savanna! I'm sitting here listening to Nirvana and damn it Kurt you make me sad. Bright eyes makes me happy.
So I got my new skirt and the shirt my mom wanted to take back to get a bigger size and I swear she lives to me feel fat or ronchie (haha I love it spelled like that) Anyway yeah so I wait for mom to come home. She made me take off my fishnets. I was somewhat upset, but oh well. So I finally get on the road. Hmm I was in my own little world. My dad was just being an ass and we clearly drove past the turn we were suppose to make. Opps. Went back... my dad was giving me a hard time which made it 10 times harder for me to say... NO GO THAT WAY. I wish I could have just took his car. I call Sav and of course I see it. He is just laughing at me while I'm TRYING to pick up my savvy. Jesus my family is a weird bunch. My sister is so horrible... my mom comes off as high all the time and my dad just makes fun of me or he's yelling at me. We pick her up... aww it was a cute little house.
We get dropped off. Went to some stores... found her mom and hung out in charlie's bar for like a half an hour. We went to Coldstone and picked up some applications and saw Dallas. She said I looked cute. Yay. I don't know if she even remembered my name, but she gave me a hug. I miss her already... such a beautiful girl inside out
We went by the 111 and saw Benny. Oh my I haven't seen Benny in a long time! We talked to him. Poor thing is eyes were bloodshot (I dont think I've ever seen his eyes white, lol) and we talked. I didn't know what he was talking about half the time but he's cool. Talking shit while the guys are walking by and they're giving him dirty looks. Lmao good times.
Oh we saw Dezzy and Kelly in the 111. Some metal band was playing I guess... feh
We looked at flyers and I saw Ani's poster. I was like OMG I MUST SEE HER. Which I prolly will <3. I love Ani. I told Sav I'm going to start making a flyer for our future band now. It's going to be sooo awesome no one will be able to complete. It will consist of naked girls on a carousel smoking and drinking martini's! I have big plans for us. Oh yeah we saw this cover band of ... Oh I forget his name and I told her "Soon enough we'll be there and we'll scare the shit out of everyone!" Oh yeah our gothic rock metal whatever band is going to be marvelous! As long as Sav sticks with me we'll find a way... Kelli should be in it... not sure about others. Hell I might play guitar if I need to. I just want it to be a trip. Fucking crazy music with lights and I want some crazy dresses and I will be all over. Haha I'll pull out my white contacts for it! That'll do!
Enjoy the pictures from today.
Sav pimpatized
Sav on a toliet
Sav posing on the toliet
Hanging out in the bar
me and sav in the bar
free shirt no boobs needed to get it
Me and sav's hand and mine
Me and sav
Me in my dress tonight