Apr 24, 2004 01:00
This is my last night in Kentucky for awhile. Oh you poor souls Im coming back!
This is all a fucking joke.
Erasers do wonders to memory.
White them right out.
Maybe I can pretend this all doesn't exist.
This is a fucking joke.
I'll never get that piece back.
Why is my skin so numb?
Well I have questions from people and here they are to be answered!
-which author do you feel you are most like and if possible, why?
I really don't think I'm good enough to be compared to an author. If I was to say someone though I'd say- Miss Path...Sylvia Plath. two morbid girls writing about insanity and hospital stays... woohoo
-does a lot of your work come from personal things or only some of it?
Everything I write comes from personal experiences. It's all I can think about... my life is almost interesting and I like immortizing it in here :)
-what is your favorite poem?
Heh poems aren't really my main interest. I like to write them but reading them on my own time sorta leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Im not sure why
-are you afraid of death?
I was a long time ago, I don't remember when. I remember not wanting anyone to die and how horrible it would be. Now, it just seems like the fear has turned into a curiosity. I can't explain it really. I lay down and think. What would it be? I used to think I'd be something I masterminded but I know now... at least for now I won't be taking my life away and Im not afraid die!
-have you ever been in love?
Once, I have. I was so in love that it hurt. It was so much love and it felt so good that when it left. I felt pain that I could never describe. It still hurts when I look back. The human brain makes me remember only the bad things, but the thing is... I never even noticed those bad things until my heart was gone...
-what do you like on your pizza?
Nothing really fancy. Someone told me once that cheese pizza is the best thing to have after sex and fuck cigarettes. I tend to agree. It may not be field tested, but I agree.
-if you could have been born in any other time/place, what would it have been?
I'd be somewhere so when I could be in my early 20's when BILLY THE KID was around. How cool would that be? I love the west and everything old about it. I wanna be a dancer with a big ugly dress... I guess that means Im a prositute though... but I don't care
-what's something that you've never told anyone before?
I never have told anyone about my relationship with Brandon (the guy who raped me) in detail. Or things with Kiir I just never have talked about.. the things that hurt the most
-what do you live for?
Yeah it's passe but I live to see the world become a better place. I live for myself. & I live to become somekind of person to where morbid kids can listen and feel like they're not alone because hell I've been through so much... & when I do that Im taking sav with me :-D
Too many things have forced them into the light.
. . .And all I can do is write. . .
It's not easy being green.
Things could be looking up.
Drain the abhorrence from his individuality. Just another washed up, has-been drug addict. Wasted within his mind rests the insinuating figure of seduction... overrated yet never taken for granted. A seemingly failure of a man was once the King of Words. Everyday you pass his limp, cold body. It rests peacefully in the same postion as yesterday, and the day before that. You pretend not to notice his silent and dead cry for help. It's so hard to avoid his frozen, empty stare. The pale face and white lips resting peacefully on his face are skimmed out of the corner of your eye. Sure enough your steps increase in speed, only hoping to escape from the same vicinity as him. Don't feel bad, as the rest of his passerbys have acted in the same manor. Little do you people know, this unappreciated King of Words was once everything.
see you soon...