(no subject)

Sep 29, 2009 05:44

Bit better today. Less emo anyhow xD I figure as long as I'm not late for work (or take any time off), I can keep my boss happy. Changing what I said before, no, I do not want to get fired. Though at times it would be a whole heck of alot easier without a job, I would soooo miss the money B) I get paid tomorrow, btw. First real check since I've gotten back. Oh, to those who don't know (and for some reason care) I had surgery on my sinuses last month. Yeah, hurt like Hell. Still does >_O. I'm dealing though. I had to have my nose straightened on the inside (I'm not even going to attempt spelling what the surgery is called...) and then have the holes to my sinus cavities drilled out. Sounds fun!!! *is being soooo sarcastic* For those of you thinking about the surgery... ney, to anyone.... DON'T HAVE IT. It HURTS. And so far, I don't think it helped. Mama says I need to give it more time. The doc says that too. (I think it's bs.)
But anyway, I took 1 week off after the surgery then took another week off because I was in so much pain (example: I threw up so violently, I barfed through my skin *O_o* Don't ask.) That's the first reason my boss was mad. Second was cause I was late the whole first week back xD
Oops, gotta go. Wouldn't wanna be late *roll eyes*
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